Weekly Astrology | Lunar Nodes of the Moon | Destiny

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We spend half of our lives away at work most of the day. And we're wondering why we're not feeling fulfilled? Today we're talking lunar nodes, destiny points Astro. And I'm going to show you how you can release some of those comfort zones, carry your experience, and start heading down the path of fulfillment. 

Let's go!

Destiny Points Astro

So when you come to the crossroads and say you are making a change in your life, or you're ready to cut old patterns that aren't serving you anymore, where do you even begin? 

You could feel torn because there are natural talents that always seem to float into your mind. They're calling you back. So the north and the south know these two mathematical points. They're not planets. They refer to the nodal axis of the moon, where the moon's orbit crosses the Earth's orbit around the sun. 

South Node of the Moon 

So the south node represents your comfort zones, those natural talents and gifts you possess inside. Things that come to you easily. As you know them like the back of your hand, you could do them and run circles around people doing them all day long.

That's why it's always easy to fall back into a pattern of picking back up old skills or putting ourselves back in the same situations we had always been in because of those comfort zones. 

North Node of the Moon 

Your north node is the path that you stretch to grow. And this is new energy, almost like a toddler because you are brand new to this area of life and the skills represented here. 

Integrating both brings those south + north node skills; stretches you out of your comfort zones as you move along the path towards your north. As you begin to embody the energy and grow into that archetype, the qualities of evolution and fulfillment shine through. 

Practice of Astrology

So how does this work? I want to give you guys an example. I have done some deep inner work for over a decade now, and I'm excited to be in this space, sharing how I was able to transform my life + biz completely. 

That's why I'm here! So, okay, my south node is in Aquarius in my chart. I mean, go figure, right. 

My past gifts & talents

I have a background in business. I was very comfortable being behind the scenes for the longest time; it felt really good. I was passionate about what I was doing. I was in upper management and always involved in payroll & finances. Things that satisfied my Scorpio moon, figuring things out. I loved it; I did! And I was really good at it but never fulfilled.

Destiny was calling 

The home and family life was calling me, and I couldn't keep it balanced for the longest time. Either I was the boss and showed up as the boss, or I was home and only home. 

I tried to work those 80 hour weeks and stay at the top of my game by trying both ways. And I also tried just to be a stay-at-home mom. So, even though I love working tech, and I love working the numbers, and I love being part of the management team... all up behind the scenes, my destiny points astro told a different story.

Rise up to the challenge

I needed to push myself forward to shine, be a leader, and lead others. To show them what's possible. By staying in south node energy, I tried to serve the world. Still helping on a larger scale instead of recognizing that I needed to start taking care of myself and my family because true fulfillment would come from that space. 

Luckily, all that experience gives me gifts of business, money management, technology, and guess what?! And of astrology that are all coming with me along my path north.

The South Node in Aquarius puts my North Node in Leo. Leo is my Sun sign as well. So, this translates as leading with my heart. Understanding that my message deserves to be heard and giving you guys the courage and inspiration to know that you, too, can rise up!. 

Use your tools 

Take your power back by just shifting your perspective and using the tools I'm giving you. Now let's get into the different combos! 

North Node Aries / South Node Libra

If your North Node is in Aries. This puts your South Node in Libra. This has your comfort zone in the group, being in a partnership, tending to others, and feeling comfortable and harmonious with the group setting. But what happens is you will feel good there. You probably really shine in this space, but you are learning to put yourself first in this lifetime. 

Aries is a sign of self-direction, initiation, taking action, and trailblazing awesomeness. So this is a calling to stop catering to everybody else's needs and start to allow your own needs to be a priority in your life. 

Taurus North Node, Scorpio South Node

This person comes from power, a person who comes from just high up there, respect, maybe politics, really intense, okay—even cutthroat. And I'm not saying all Scorpios are this; trust me, I know, I'm a Scorpio moon. And I'm like super cool. 😉

As you're bringing all that power and intensity, that natural ability to do the research and investigate it and get down to the nitty-gritty of whatever you're working on. 

You're bringing those skillsets along your path toward the north. So with a Taurus north node, this is a calling to put in the work to probably even slow it down and build quality foundations, stability for your life moving forward. And you do not need to do it on your own; you can slow it down and enjoy the process a bit. Dive into your senses and build solid foundations built on practical systems. 

North node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius. 

Sagittarian's love adventure. They love to see the bigger picture, to dream and vision. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, that expansive worldwide vision if you think about it. 

So knowing that you have that lively personality, that love of adventure, and the love of worldly things. As you bring all those skills, those natural gifts you have inside, and head north towards Gemini. 

Gemini is the sign that is all about the mind. How can you deliver all of your skills in practical bite-size pieces of information? How can you now share those gifts so that people can understand? Both Gemini & Sagittarius are mutable signs. 

Sagittarius is mutable fire, and Gemini is mutable air. Mutable, meaning they're very flexible. They can change their minds, but this can be a need not to escape, not be up in the clouds in our minds and hearts, and focus on communication and the more minor details. 

North Node in Cancer and the South Node in Capricorn.

Your South Node qualities are coming from the sign of Capricorn, which Saturn rules. Cold, dry, focused only on climbing the success ladder or only wanting to focus on work. This archetype is a serious, very driven kind of personality. 

And this is a calling to bring those skills that dedication, that consistency, but to do it with more heart and intuition. To gain more success, bring in more nurturing, focus on your family and your community, nurture the environment you are in and the employees that you keep. 

North Node Leo / South Node Aquarius 

Like the example, I just gave you, North Node in Leo and the South Node in Aquarius. The South Node in Aquarius focuses on humanity as a whole, really wanting to help the collective. 

Leo is the boss. Leo is the leader. Leo is a powerful guide. So with this Leo North Node, we want to step out of the back (that Aquarius south node), out of only being in your scientific brain. 

All of those qualities are Aquarian. Embody leading with your heart, showing up as a powerful leader, showing up as an inspired thought leader, and knowing that you have something of quality that deserves to shine. 

North Node in Virgo and the South Node in Pisces

Pisces is a beautiful sign, like so much compassion, imagination, and creativity, but this is your comfort area. Always remember that. Instead of hoping, wishing, and praying for your goals+ dreams to come to life, bring that creativity, compassion, and connection to humanity and move to the north, which is Virgo for you. 

And Virgo is all about the details. How can you break that vision down? Imagine your big, beautiful dream brought to life down in practical steps. What step do you need to take next to lead a dreamy service-driven life? 

So yes, bringing the magic of Pisces in a usable form as you move and embody your attention to detail skillset with your Virgo north node.

North Node in Libra and South Node in Aries.

So again, remember the South Node is the comfort zone. So if your South Node is in Aries, it could very much be like you; your self-interests take priority. And you're learning in this life that you're probably going to get further and get there faster in partnership.

By flowing with others, bouncing ideas off of others in that Libra, the Libra way, the Libra way, where sharing and collaboration. These are things that are going to bring great fulfillment along your journey. 

So that tiny shift of understanding that you know how to take care of yourself. You very much know how to be self-directed + self-guided. So, now you learn to bring those qualities and do it in partnership.

North Node Scorpio and South Node in Taurus,

This can be where maybe you're taking your sweet time, and you need to pick up the pace to allow change to come in. Taurus is an energy that can take its time, but not only that, it is fixed energy, so we can get stuck and hold on to persons, places, or things far beyond their expiration date. 

And this is a calling to allow yourself to transform, allow yourself that regeneration and rebirth that Scorpio energy promises.

North Node Sagittarius South Node in Gemini

This is energy where you're comfortable in your community, maybe the opinions of those closest to you, like your siblings, your cousins, or your neighbors. And this is a calling for you to take those experiences, lessons, and learnings absolutely take 'em. and head north. 

Jupiter rules Sagittarius; formulate your own belief systems, your own opinions, be able to follow your own direction. Be open to insight from your community and those you love and hold near and dear to your heart, but develop it with your own sense of fresh, awesome style and head north.

North Node in Capricorn and the South Node in Cancer. 

Maybe you're really close to your family members, or your comfort zone is around your own community and your home, your own family members. And you are meant to stretch and grow to chase your own goals and dreams in this life. 

Honor your emotions find balance within them. So you can achieve your long-term goals of stability and recognition. Cancers are also known to be very nurturing. So this can have you constantly feeling like you need to be taking care of somebody else, always putting others' needs first. 

And that will not allow you to feel fulfilled in this lifetime. So putting emotions aside and just realizing that you deserve to achieve your wishes and dreams. Move out of your own way and start to put in the work. 

North Node in Aquarius and the South Node in Leo 

See how it just flip-flops, flip-flop, we're flip-flopping. All of these different archetypes, South Node and North Node, will always stand right across the sky from one another. So, if your South Node is in one area, you are meant to pack it up, commit, and go straight across the sky to that other energetic pull. 

This is a call to stop standing in that spotlight, stop trying to be the best at it all, stop being the leader. You've mastered that already. The call is for you to fall back a little bit, blend with the group for all, and make an even more significant cause. 

You will get much further in your life, and you will feel fulfilled, passionate, connected to your soul's purpose by doing something on a larger scale for humanity. How can you join the group and make a difference in that way? 

North Node in Pisces and the South Node in Virgo

This is a call to stop being so critical. Maybe you are very hard on yourself. You pick everything apart that you work on, things you produce, and even those around you. 

So this is a call to bring that analytical brain, brilliance, and attention to detail, but to apply it to a larger dream. Be less critical about all of the tiny little details and allow yourself to expand your mind and imagination, bring in creativity, and let yourself flow with inspiration. 

That is how you're going to feel more fulfillment along your journey. And of course, pay attention to those details, but make them beautiful along your path. 

Need a copy of your natal chart?

If you are brand new to astrology, then definitely check out this post right here. So you can identify the different parts of your natal chart, then grab your soul grow guide. You can start to discover and use astrology in practical application in the way that I learned to use it and the ways I teach it!

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Follow along with all that I'm talking about each week. Even if you are a true beginner, you will be able to come along for the ride.

Destiny Points Astro

So this is how you can start bringing your two worlds together, those natural talents and gifts that you have, those innate qualities that are yours and you were born with, and they deserve to shine. 

Plus, as you stretch, you grow, learn, and apply. So we can show up embodying all of that North Node goodness. 

I hope this inspires you to take a deeper look at your chart on where your comfort zones are, how you can start to embody the qualities of your North Node and grow. 

Ready to take a deep dive into your chart? BOOK A PERSONAL READING HERE.

Thank you for continuing your journey of self-discovery and ultimate success with me!

Go get it. I'll see you next time.

Heart & Healing


The houses in astrology, what are they & what do they represent?


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