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5 Ways Reiki Can Help with Negative Emotions

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Energy and your Emotions

Have you ever stopped and really thought about your emotions? Where do they come from? Why do they happen? What triggers them? Have you noticed your mood changing when the energy around you changes? It’s not coincidental. Outside energies affect your personal energy and can throw you and your emotions off balance. Emotions are energy in motion, after all. 

One technique to keep your energy and emotions in check is Reiki. Reiki is the practice of energy healing. The practitioner uses their hands (Not on the body, but hovering over) to start moving the stagnant energies located in your chakra centers that run along your spine. And the best part is, Reiki practitioners can spread the healing love remotely.

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5 Ways Reiki Can Help with Emotions

Reiki is healing energy and our bodies are made up of energy that is vibrating at a specific frequency. Our energies can be manipulated by our environments. It’s all so fascinating, don’t you think? Many people receive the benefits of Reiki and are able to feel more balanced. 

Even if you have never had energy healing before, Reiki can work for you. Let’s talk about how. 

Promotes Harmony

New things are scary. You may worry it may not work for you. These feelings are normal. Reiki is non-invasive. It is an energy transfer that is extremely effective in providing a feeling of balance and wellness. Recipients often feel very relaxed during their first session and leave feeling in harmony with themselves. 

Clears the mind

Emotions often run high when we can’t get our emotions in check. We are worried about the next disaster before we have even processed our emotions from our present moment. Reiki encourages the mind to stay in the present moment. This allows us to drop all past feelings and no longer bring on anxiety for the future.

Better Sleep

I don’t know about you, but when I am sleep-deprived, my emotions are all over the place! I get all the feels coming at me from all directions. Reiki is very relaxing. It reminds the body to be still and to relax. It is not uncommon to fall asleep during a session. You take this with you into your sleep that night. Such a great goody to take home from your session.

Helps with Emotional Cleansing

When we go to our doctor, they often only treat the body. Because the focus is only on the physical body, your energetic body does not get the attention it requires. Reiki treats the whole person. It is very helpful in elevating the energy within the whole body, which in return elevates your mood and emotions. The emotions are able to move through you without getting stuck in the body. 

Breaks Down Energy Blocks

Reiki creates a flow of energy through the body, unlocking blocks as it goes. Keeping the channels within your body clear will keep you in balance, removing negative energy. Because blocked energy can cause mood swings, discomfort in the body, and lead to dis-ease. Regular sessions will keep your body free of blocks and your mental moods in the positive. 


There are so many benefits you can receive from regular Reiki sessions. I hope you found this post helpful and I look forward to giving you more information about Reiki and ways to apply it to your wellness plans.

If you are looking for more clarity on balancing your emotions, book a 1:1 call with me!

Until next time!


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