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Astrology Expert Near Me | Weekly Astrology Alignments

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Welcome back to Soul Grow Weekly Astrology! I want to give you guys some aspects to use throughout your week, so I have switched up my video content to throw the aspects at the beginning of the week. 

Then we will jump into some tech tutorials on Tuesdays to help you keep moving your business along. And then we have to wrap up the week with some money mindset to keep the party moving. 🚀

Astrology Expert Near Me

For those who are new, I'm Marilyn, your Astro biz and money coach! Teaching entrepreneurs and creative wealth-builders like yourself to align their money system, talents, and passions with their astrology blueprint. 

Today I want to show you what's going down in the weekly astrology for the week of May 14-19th.

Mars sextile Sun 

Mars is still transiting your Pisces house. Mars is sextile the north node and the Sun over the weekend, giving you some good motivation and some drive to chase those goals and dreams.

Like you're feeling empowered to keep taking action towards your goals. This alignment is a sextile. That is something that you need to move on to benefit from. 

It doesn't just land in your lap. You have to keep moving and taking inspired action towards your goals and dreams.

VENUS conjunct Chiron 

As we move through the weekend, Venus is conjunct, Chiron. We are healing money stories, healing relationships, healing your inner value, and healing whatever is blocking you from taking action and feeling the best you can feel inside and out. Creating wealth inside and out for yourself. So lean into the healing, whatever you need to purge because we are...

Total Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

Dun Dah, dah, dah dun. We are moving forward! This Sunday, 9:15 pm PST. We have our Full Moon lunar eclipse. Moon is in the sign of Scorpio. And the Sun, in the sign of Taurus. 

Sun Opposes Moon = Full Moon. The Sun is in conjunction with the north node and the Moon with the south node. So that's that karmic shift of energy we are all experiencing.

The new beginnings are taking place in the Taurus area of your chart. And the place you're meant to release, let go, peak, the culmination is happening in that Scorpio area of your chart.

We are all feeling the need to purge. This is a great time to release anything that's still holding you from attaining your dreams and going for it!

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Sun sextile Neptune 

The Sun in Taurus is in sextile to Neptune in the sign of Pisces. It was just conjunct Mars. So again, you're just feeling lit up inside to chase those goals and dreams. You want to bring this vision to life. So it's a good time, but it does feel heavy.

There's a lot of healing going on. There's a lot of release going on. Full moons bring that heightened emotion and heightened awareness. 

This square, all of these areas activated, can feel like a lot, but it's a lot to motivate you to take action and change something in your life.

Sun trine Pluto

As we move through the week, the Sun will form a Trine to Pluto. Sun trine Pluto is going to give you some inner awareness, maybe deep focus where you can focus on transforming the structures in your life.

It's a supportive aspect. The trine is like a blessing. It's giving you that power to see something different. It helps you become aware of what could still be holding you back. And it allows you to finally transform it. 

We're going to stop there. I want to give you three to help you.


Let's review real quick. 

Not only are we in Mercury retrograde. So this is an inner game. 

  • You are doing some inner work right now.

  • You're in Pluto retrograde, transforming that psyche.

  • You'll recognize the breakthroughs this week.

  • You're taking action on your goals and dreams by tapping into this alignment because it will not happen without action.

So continue to move forward while you're releasing stagnant energy. Removing 20 years of karmic energy, finally putting it to rest so you can allow the fresh and new, the beautiful, the blessings, the transmutation into something powerful for your future.

Need a copy of your natal chart?

If you are brand new to astrology, then definitely check out this post right here. So you can identify the different parts of your natal chart, then grab your free soul grow guide.

I will leave it there, and I will see you guys next week. 

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