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Manifesting for Beginners | Simple Ways to Get Started

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What Is Manifestation?

Have you ever wondered what manifestation was and how you could use it to achieve your goals? Don’t worry; I’ve got you!

If you looked up manifestation in the dictionary, you would find this definition: “an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea.” Doesn’t sound that exciting, does it?

When you hear someone speaking about manifesting their dreams, you must think some magic is involved… In a sense, there kind of is.

Law of Attraction

Before I share some steps to manifesting things into fruition, let me remind you of one thing. It sounds simple, but it is crucial. Mindset and manifesting go hand in hand. I probably say that a lot in my work, but it’s true. 

Have you ever heard of the Law of Attraction? The Law of Attraction dictates that whatever can be imagined and held in the mind’s eye is achievable if you take action on a plan to get to where you want to be. See how that relates to mindset?

If you always thought negative thoughts and complained nothing ever works out, do you think you will attract your dreams? I’m sure you know the answer to that. Change your mindset, and good things will come.

Start Manifesting Today

Now that you have your mindset in check, let’s look at ways to start manifesting your dreams today. 👇🏽

Be Clear on What You Want

Visualize what it is you want. Get very clear. When you ask the universe for assistance, it wants exact details. That means if you want a car, you need to know the make, model, year, color, interior, and you get the point. Get SUPER specific and write it down! Keep a journal if that works better for you. Write it down, and then let the universe do its work.

Create a Vision Board

Manifesting is a very visual process. Once you are clear of what you want, if writing isn’t your best skill, create a vision board. Find or create images of your dreams and goals and place them in a place you see regularly. For some, this is an actual board on the wall. For others, it is a digital image on their phone. Do what works best for you, but make sure you see it regularly.

Practice Gratitude

Being thankful for things you already have can go a long way in manifesting new things into your life. If you are not grateful for what you already have, how can you appreciate the new stuff? Every night before you go to bed, write down a few things you are grateful for. Even if it was the worst day of your life, find something you are thankful to have. This practice works, and it is mighty powerful.

Believe What You Want Is Possible

You have to have faith in your dreams and goals. If you don’t believe them to be true, why would anyone else? The universe works in magical ways, but not trusting that you can achieve anything won’t get you very far. Believe in yourself. You are so much more than you give yourself credit for. 

Have you tried any of these techniques already? What kind of changes have you seen in your life? I would love to hear more. Leave me a comment so we can celebrate your wins!

Until next time, keep manifesting!


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