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Cancer Full Moon: Heightened Emotions + Daring Change.

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Hello, my friends wrapping up the year with the final Cancer full moon of 2020. Karmic blessings, heightened emotion, and daring change for all. Let's go!

In this video, you will learn how to best harness the pleasantries of this Cancer full moon happening this Tuesday, December 29th, at 7:30 PM Pacific standard time.

So what is a full moon?

Full moons happen when the Sun stands across the sky from the Moon in opposition. And this is a call for us to balance. Usually, this energy shows up in relationships to balance the energy between those two houses in opposition.

The moon in astrology represents our emotions. It can symbolize what we need to feel safe and relaxed, and it represents our capacity to nurture ourselves deep within on an emotional level.

Cancer full moon is sextile Uranus

What is really awesome is this full moon is sextile Uranus. A sextile in astrology is a conversation or a flow of energy between two planets. And this one is favorable. It's giving you a little boost to make those needed changes.

Dare to be your most authentic self

This full moon is busting up and breaking you out of your comfort zone. Dare to be your most authentic self. Your most happy, pure, authentic self is what this world needs. And part of that busting up allows you to release the emotional heaviness you could still be holding on to.

Full moons can bring culminations or completions. An ending of a cycle. Looking back to see what was and what no longer is. This full moon is a completion point or awareness of new life coming into your relationships, old ways falling off and releasing. And you're finally able to let go. 

A realization of what kind of relationships you want to have within your family and your personal life. And what you're ready to release and let go of finally. A light shining on the love and the new life can be birthed into every one of these relationships.

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Venus conjunct the South Node

An important point is activated as Venus conjoins the South Node. This conjunction works with the December 14th, powerful solar eclipse we experienced about two weeks ago. This activation provides you the initiative and the heart to set new goals and execute your plans confidently.

Conjunctions to the South node have been known to bring back people from your past. So be open and stay aware. This can feel like fate has brought this person into your life, or it could feel like you've met somewhere before. Maybe you've spoken to them at some point, and it feels familiar. Pay attention and see what comes up.

How to flow with the Moon

All right. So how to best use this energy for ease and flow? This year has taken you through the wringer. So use this energy by looking at your birth chart. And if you don't have one yet, I will include a link down below. It's a free birth chart calculator, but you need your exact birth time, date, city, state—the works for it to be accurate and for you to get the best reading.

Full moons are about balance. There is a need, a spotlight shining on the houses for you to balance. Your Cancer and your Capricorn houses, to see what needs your attention.

Although this is emotional, take this time to listen. Listen to your body, mind, and soul for what you really need and what matters most.

Get your futuristic flow on with a future-self meditation.

What was your biggest takeaway this year? What did you learn about yourself?

Let me know in the comments below; I am so excited to hear!

I want to wish you a happy and safe holiday.

Health & Healing, 

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