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How Chronic Stress Affects the Body

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Let’s Talk Stress

How’s your stress level these days? I can only imagine with all that has been going on in the world has upped it just a bit. We are all feeling like we are living outside of our comfort zones. If you ask, most people will tell you that stress is bad, yet those same people are probably just a tad stressed. It is a vicious cycle that can lead to chronic stress and even illness. 

A little short-term stress is actually good for us. It does things like boost our immune system. The problem is, most people do not know how to properly cope with stress and often lead themselves to chronic stress.

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Fight or Flight?

If you know anything about our sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, you know that’s when the body feels like it is in danger. For example, stress sets off our “fight or flight” reaction, and the body starts producing adrenaline and cortisol to help overcome the stressful moment. 

When stress becomes chronic, it throws our body into fight or flight overdrive, leading to lots of issues for the body. Cortisol would typically only affect us when we are in survival mode. When it becomes a chronic issue, it gives the body the message that we are ALWAYS in danger. 

Cortisol increases sugars in our bloodstream. It also can suppress the immune system, reproductive system, and growth processes. It also acts as a communication system that can alter our mood - including motivation and fear. 

As you are probably starting to realize, chronic stress can wreak havoc on your life and bring on other illnesses. Let’s talk about how to lessen the stress. 

Techniques to Decrease Stress

Some days we are going to have stress, and that is okay. A little stress is healthy. When things start to get unmanageable, we need to look into ways to bring our stress levels down. Here are a few recommendations to get you started:

  • Exercise. Yes, I know—the dreaded E word. But moving your body every day for at least 10 minutes at a time will help conquer stress—yoga or taking a walk counts.

  • Breathwork. Breathing techniques can help lower stress and decrease pan. Check out this post on breathwork.

  • Meditation. Quieting your mind is always helpful to get clear. Sometimes we need that clarity to calm the stress we are encountering.

  • Get social! Hang out with some good friends. Laugh. Smile. Be joyful. This is so important. Human touch and company can go a long way in cutting out stress.

I hope you can find some peace in knowing that you don’t have to live in stress all the time. We can all live a more happy and peaceful life once we realize we are not prisoners to the stressors around us. 

There is so much information out there on stress and how it can conquer us. I want to give you back the power to conquer stress. I believe in you. 

Slay that stress and be proud of it. I can’t wait to hear all about it!


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