Marilyn Gomez- Astrology Coaching, Business Coaching Website, Astro Readings

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Cord-Cutting: Releasing attachments with Archangel Gabriel

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Has the pandemic caused you to experience more flare-ups?

The stress, the worries, and all of the uncertainty can cause the healthiest of people to feel less than... well. So, what about those with chronic illness or compromised immunity? Where does that leave us? Needing to release attachments, that's where! This cord-cutting meditation will help you do that.

Overwhelmed in physical pain, tension, many without insurance, and no sight of the light at the end of the tunnel. 😣 2020 has left a world full of sickness, hopelessness, and extreme fear.

Therefore, there is only one way to go….and that’s UP!

What is cord-cutting?

First off, "cord-cutting" is a visualization process of releasing toxic energy in your body. This cord-cutting meditation is designed to help you quickly release attachments with any person, emotion, or thought that blocks your wellness goals, progress, and peace.

May this calming practice help you clear any negativity from your energy field and make room for the blessings already on their way!

For instance, you can calm your nervous system + prevent flare-ups by clearing your mind and releasing stress + worries during these challenging times. 

I encourage you to practice this meditation as often as needed for less physical pain, peace of mind, and a greater sense of calm.


Less pain and less stress... Right now!


Cord-cutting meditation 

What's up, Cosmic Connectors. It's me, Marilyn. Thank you for tuning in. I want to share with you a cord-cutting meditation. What a release. I was able to let a lot go and start my day fresh. So, I wanted to deliver this towards the end of your day. So you can let it all go and call in much-needed rest and healing.

What are attachments?

Cord attachments can be anything and everything. We are constantly vibrating. Everything is energy and made up of frequencies. Studies prove it & science backs it.

This cord-cutting meditation will help you release many stored energies from people, fears, letdowns, trauma, the media, and sickness. Anything that you are holding on to that's causing tension and fears, or any negative vibrations within yourself and your space.

Consequently, that is an attachment, and we're ready to cut the cord.

Now, take a deep breath in through your nose,

Release it all out through your mouth.

Take another deep breath in, 

And release anything that you're holding on to. 

Deep breath in, 

And release.

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You're going to start to feel your body relax slowly.

Deep breath in, 

As we call in divine light and guidance.

May you wash over us with healing energy and peaceful vibrations,

Deep breath in,

May this meditation reach as many people as needed—anybody who is in need.

May they view this meditation on their screen to release all attachments at any time of the day.

Deep breath in, 


Turn your attention to any area in your body.

Any area you're feeling tension,

Any pain you could be holding.

Any fears at all, floating through your mind.

Deep breath in,

And exhale.

We have cords attached to every thought, every feeling, everything.

I want you to recognize Archangel Gabriel. This fierce protector is flying in over us to guard our hearts and our health.

Notice his big sword cutting straight through those deeply rooted cords—one at a time.

Deep breath in

Release those cords as they drop to the ground, dissolving into the earth,

Deep breath in

and exhale ...release,

Deep breath in

Releasing all those cords. One by one, dropping to the ground.

Another cleansing deep breath in

Just be still, sit. 

Free from cords, free from attachments.

You are exactly where you need to be right now.

Deep breath in and release.

Just sit in it.

Sit in peace.

Sit in this stillness.

In conclusion, you are loved.

You are not alone.

There are angels all around you, protecting you.

Finally, whenever you're ready, go ahead and open your eyes.


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