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Ground and connect in 2021 | 20-minute guided meditation

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Need a little guidance to Ground and Connect in 2021?

Welcome. This guided meditation is designed to help you ground and connect in 2021. Tune in any time you need assistance or when you need some extra relaxation to connect to your mind, body, and spirit.

Find a comfortable position. When you're ready, let your eyes slowly close and take a deep breath through your nose. Filling your lungs. Feel them expand, and on the exhale, release everything out of your mouth.

Take another deep breath in through your nose. Allowing that breath to travel down, filling your lungs. And on the exhale, release. Let your shoulders drop down and fall back.

Power of Breath

On your next deep breath in, feel the power of a deep cleansing breath, clear your mind and relax your body.

Just Be. Just relax.

On the next deep breath in, I want you to feel every part of your body slowly melting into the surface beneath you. Any distractions are part of this process. Allow them to take you deeper into your meditative state.

If your mind begins to wander is completely okay. Shift your focus back towards your breath. On the next deep inhale, I want you to imagine a thick root coming from the base of your spine. Dropping down, down, deep into the center of the earth. Securing you, holding you safely, connecting you to mother earth.

Just breathe naturally.

Clear Your Mind 

Now, take a deep breath in, filling your lungs, clearing your mind, relaxing your body.

I want you to notice your feet and the muscles within them feeling very heavy and so relaxed. Moving towards your ankles and your calves, breathing fresh life into every part of you. Feeling deeply relaxed, moving up toward your knees and your thighs, feeling heavy and relaxed. Your hips and your lower back feel so peaceful and relaxed.

I want you to give a little tug to the root that's at the base of your spine, ensuring your security, your safety. Feeling so connected and so relaxed.

As you move towards your middle back, upper back, feel heavier and heavier. So calm and so connected. I want you to notice your fingers and forearms. Moving up towards your shoulders, feeling heavy and relaxed.

Now your neck and your lower jaw, feeling the pain float away or any tension you could be holding in your body. Allow them to relax. Your eyes feel so heavy and relaxed.

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Connect To Your Higher Power

On the next deep breath in, I want you to imagine a bright lavender light; stretching out the top of your head, connecting you to source. Source energy.

This connection is strong. With every breath you take, your light is crystal clear and reaching straight for the sky. Just be. Just relax.

Release any expectations of this moment. Allow any sensations to filter through any messages you could hear, messages that are meant for you as you sit in deep relaxation.

Don't overthink it. Messages can come through in so many ways. You can experience flashes of color, a deep inner knowing, a sensation throughout your body. Maybe you can hear somebody talking to you. This is your moment. And I'm going to give you some space to receive.

Grateful Heart

Now, I want you to take a deep breath in and pull in your connection, your connection to source to the divine, to God, whatever feels right in your heart, and just say "thank you".

Feel gratitude for whatever messages may have come through. That deep sense of knowing that you were meant to be right here, right now. Feel that gratitude vibrates throughout your body.

Ground and Connect in 2021, daily

I want you to bring back up your grounding cord, knowing that this is your space, and you can return any time you wish for some relaxation and connection to your intuition and the divine.

When you're ready, I want you to wiggle your toes and your fingers slowly. Take a deep cleansing breath in...and release.

Until next time.


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