Marilyn Gomez- Astrology Coaching, Business Coaching Website, Astro Readings

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Heart chakra imbalances and how to unblock stuck energy.

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Have you ever wondered why you can't seem to let go of past hurts, past grudges, or past trauma from relationships?

Well, I know from personal experience that you are not alone. It's hard when people fail you or downright disappoint you but what's even more challenging is the lifetime of issues that start to arise from not letting go of all that is no longer serving you.

This is your time to take your power back by opening your heart, allowing yourself to learn from mistakes, and apply the lessons to rise empowered and stronger than ever before. The gift of Reiki can help! Understanding your energy centers, aka chakras, can alter how you use, store, and process your energy. 

What are chakras

Simply put, chakras or energy centers in specific locations along your spine. You have seven major chakras centers and 114 total throughout your body. Today we will talk about the heart chakra.

The heart chakra is the fourth chakra center. This chakra is associated with the element of air and with colors green and pink. This energy center is the bridge between your lower three chakras that connect to your life experiences end the upper three chakras, Which connect you to Spirit and the divine.

The heart center connects to empathy, emotional availability, self-awareness, peace, healthy boundaries, and acceptance.

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Overactive vs. Underactive

Blockages end or obstructions occur from emotionally draining life experiences and repressing my emotions. Health issues can arise from a blocked expression such as asthma, high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia and, poor immune function.

An overactive expression can manifest as aggressiveness, agitation, extreme reaction, mistrust of others, and restlessness.

An underactive expression can manifest as passive behavior, depression, fear, isolation, unhealthy boundaries in relationships, and negative self-talk.

Heart chakra "cures." 

Eat Foods Green in color: Kiwi, spinach, broccoli, bell peppers, and kale.

Set healthy boundaries: Take pride in making yourself and your health a priority. And set healthy boundaries in relationships.

Forgiveness: Forgiveness is a practice. Write a forgiveness letter to kick-start this practice. Allow yourself to write from the deep within and let the love and compassion pour out on paper. Forgive yourself, others, and your body.

Affirmations: "I forgive myself and others," "My heart is free from past wounds," "I choose joy and compassion," "I love myself unconditionally."

As with anything, consistency is the key to long-term success. I invite you to start small and build your daily practice from there. ❤

Grab your FREE Chakra Wellness guide loaded with tons of information and ideas to get your energetic body in balance!

Heart and Healing, 

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