Marilyn Gomez- Astrology Coaching, Business Coaching Website, Astro Readings

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LIFE UPDATE and Intentions for 2022!

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I am incredibly grateful for every one of you, and in this video, we're going to recap the most incredible moments of 2021 and what's in store for 2022. 

I'm going to share with you all the things that went right and what will be changing as we move forward. 

All so I can serve you best! 

If you're new here, hi, I'm Marilyn! Here on this channel, I talk about success + satisfaction in work, career, and by default,  when those areas are optimized, your personal money, honey.

 So if that's where your heart is, Don't forget to hit subscribe down below! Let’s get it going!

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First off, oh, what a fantastic start to our journey here at Marilyn Gomez Wellness. If you are one of the many in our community that has joined us in these past nine months, I am eternally grateful for your presence. Thank you so much! 


We let our website go live in mid-March 2021 and have learned and grown so much in such a short time. Getting to know this Soul shifting community has been life-changing. You give me all the inspiration and motivation to learn and grow and serve.

Collaborating with entrepreneurs online has provided a whole community of support end guidance. I feel the learning and the lessons are endless, and I'm enjoying taking the time to implement them as we grow.


During the summer, I began noticing a theme. I received multiple questions on astrology, how to use astrology in daily life, for career success, for the fulfillment, the validity of astrology, money questions, etc. You want answers and I want to serve. I wasn't focusing on that part as much as I will now.

So, I hear you, and all that changes now!


By the Fall, life was moving at full speed. I was about to finish my classes; football with my son was a full-time commitment, dancing with my daughter required my attention, running my home, and taking good care of my health was also high on my priority list.

Then came the wedding! As of October 31st, my husband and I tied the knot!

It was a magical time! A spiritual ceremony with all of our ancestors and loved ones who have passed coming to join us. We couldn't have aligned our special day any better! 

At this point in the year, I was exhausted. Old me would push through! I would grab another cup of coffee and stay until the very end. Luckily, I am no longer in that mindset.

I've been in this entrepreneurial space for a very long time! Not online, mind you, but I've been around the block a few times, and this is one of the greatest lessons I've learned. When you prioritize your inner well-being, the world around you meets you at that level.

Thank you

Thank you to everybody who has reached out, assuring me I'm in the right space. I promise you I’m more than OK! 😃 I have been streamlining and simplifying my processes and offerings to give you what you've been asking for!

 Now, what's in the works for 2022,

We made it to a brand new year, this Fresh Start, that we all get the opportunity to hit reset. I have shifted the company a bit to highlight a different part of my chronic illness journey that left me needing to figure life out from a different perspective, and it all has to do with work & money and needing to build from the ground up, no matter your circumstances. I know there is a reason I had to learn so much from such a young age and I’m in the game of paying it forward, to uplift others!

This year, I have decided to teach you how to use astrology in practical application and personal finance techniques to help you set a solid foundation to keep chasing your dreams or pivot if needed.

So instead of creating "all the things," I will focus on your requests and do my best to keep them consistent. With Grace, of course, that was always the missing component.

So that's it for me, my life update, and how we are moving forward. 

I would like to hear anything else you would love to know or learn on these topics in the comments below.

I am so excited to get started =) Thank you so much for watching!

If you haven't yet subscribed, you can do so below. I would love to have you, and I'll see you real soon.

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