Marilyn Gomez- Astrology Coaching, Business Coaching Website, Astro Readings

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Set Those Third Quarter Goals and Start Manifesting Today!

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Let’s Set Up Goals and Start Manifesting!

Welcome to July! We have made it through the first half of 2021; Pat yourself on the back, my friend. It’s been a rollercoaster for sure! 

As we go into the third quarter of the year, it is an excellent time to set some short-term goals. Breaking up larger goals into bite-sized pieces helps us stay focused and make those larger goals a little less overwhelming. Keeping focused also helps those goals manifest into reality. 

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Setting Up Goals For The Next 90 Days 

When we set up goals in 90-day increments, it allows us to plan, balance out time for rest and relaxation and be ambitious all at the same time. The motivation comes from the goals we set, and when spread out over 90 days, it becomes manageable. We then take daily actions to complete those goals.

These goals can range from business goals to health and wellness goals. Really #allthethings you need to focus on to reach those bigger goals; you know, the practical steps. It also helps when you are living with challenges like a chronic illness. Understanding your goals and how you will get there is SUPER helpful when everything else seems so unpredictable.

Manifesting Your Dreams Through Goals

You might wonder where manifesting comes into these goals. When we have our eye on the prize, so to speak, we stay focused. Manifesting is all about creating positive energy for things that are coming. We do this by knowing, with unwavering faith, that what we desire is already here, then consciously creating energy around that. This practice allows the goals we are striving for to manifest. 

There are several ways to keep your goals in focus and to help manifest them into fruition. Here is a couple to get you started: 

  1. Vision Boards/Words: Taking time to create a vision board can be super helpful. Having something visual we can look at every day keeps you connected to the outcome of the goal. Tape motivational words or affirmations in places you will see throughout your day. Cut out images and place them on a board where you see them frequently. As you reach goals, remove them from the board and replace them with new goals.

  2. Start a morning manifesting ritual. When you first get up, visualize four things you know for sure in your heart + two you deeply desire. By doing this, you are creating energy from those things you already know as true for the goals you’re are manifesting! Know, without doubt, It is already on its way.


    The mind is potent! When using the phrases “be mindful,” and “like attracts like” it is referring to the power of your beautiful brain. Use this to your benefit. When we put our minds to reaching our goals, they come much faster. We are more prone to stick to these goals when we stay focused. 

    Don’t believe me? Try it out yourself. 

    Take the next 90 days and see what you can accomplish. Let’s check in after the 90 days and see how you did. 

    Happy Manifesting!

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Until next time!


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