Marilyn Gomez- Astrology Coaching, Business Coaching Website, Astro Readings

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Mindset Fitness: A guided meditation for daily, whole-body wellness.

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Mindset Fitness | Guided Meditation

Mindset fitness is imperative to whole-body wellness. By mastering the practice of meditation through my own desire for less stress, control of my emotional and physical pain, and more focus to keep my head in the game, YOU have healing tools at your fingertips, and they DO work no matter how severe your condition may be. 

In my experience and man oh man, don't let the baby face fool ya, I do mean extensive experience (Scorpio Moon), we can show up in two ways during the darkest hours...

  1. The first can leave you feeling hopelessly defeated as negative thought patterns obsessively cycle through your mind (mindfu**ery for real)

  2. And the second can lead to an unwavering sense of self-worth and a belief that you will rise abundant and resilient.

What would you choose?

Ahhh, the beauty of free will, free choice.





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Welcome. This is the Cosmic Connect. This guided meditation will help you focus your mind and tune in to your emotions.

Find a comfortable position. And when you're ready, close your eyes slowly. Take a deep breath in through your nose. Hold for a second and release every last bit of air out through your mouth.

Again in through your nose and back out through your mouth. One more time. And on the exhale release, any tension you may be holding in your body. No need to force. It. Allow a natural rhythm to take over. When your mind wanders, just bring your focus back to your breath awareness.

Notice how calm this moment is. Notice how comfortable you are feeling.

Now, bring your attention to your legs. Feel how heavy they have become with each breath like roots on a tree. Your legs have grown roots, grounding you to the earth, so safe and so secure.

Your arms feel heavy, and your shoulders feel so relaxed.

The muscles in your face and jaw soften and relax.

Your entire body is that peace.

Take these next few moments to call in gratitude and focus.

Your mind is clear.

Your heart is wide open. So thankful for this moment.

You have everything you'll ever need inside of you.

Anytime you need your special gifts of gratitude and focus, just tune into your breath and journey within.

And now we'll return to the present time with this amazing sense of calm and focus flowing through your entire body.

Start to wiggle your toes and your fingers when you're ready, open your eyes, and return to your day.


When you grab ahold of your mindset fitness, keep consistent wellness practices, and lean in to claim YOUR abundance, a never-ending stream of opportunities will open up! 

The universe will provide your path forward, again, and again!

I wish you better sleep, peace in your heart, and whole-body wellness to greet each day!

Blessings on blessings,

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