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Working on Limited Beliefs | How to Overcome Them

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What are Limited Beliefs?

We all have those beliefs that we believe to be true, but they hold us back. Most of these beliefs come from our childhood and what our parents or guardians taught us. Let me give you an example - you grew up in a family who told you that you must grow up, go to college, get married, and have a family. Sounds familiar, right?

Now here you are as an adult with little check marks next to all of those things, but you just don’t feel satisfied. Don’t get me wrong; there is NOTHING wrong with having that life. It just isn’t for everyone.

Another belief that shows up a lot for people is that we aren’t good enough. We aren’t good enough for that job promotion. We aren’t good enough for our loved ones. We aren’t good enough to have all the things we desire in life. We all have those moments. Now, what do we do about them?

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How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

First off, congratulations on wanting to grow as a person and start overcoming those pesky beliefs. It is never easy to do the inner work when we doubt ourselves. Believe it or not, that is the first step to overcoming limiting beliefs - acknowledging them.

The next step is identifying who instilled those beliefs into you. It is easier to move past it when we acknowledge that we didn’t make those beliefs up ourselves. 

Once you have identified the source of those beliefs, write down what it is you want! Create goals and believe you can achieve them. Write them down. Use positive affirmations to keep them in focus. 

When you can focus on the goal in a good way, those limiting beliefs start to crumble. When you can see positive changes around you, you can say goodbye to those limiting beliefs. 

Moving Forward

Once you have learned how to address beliefs that hold you back, you can one by one face them and move forward into a life you find fulfilling. Don’t ever let anyone tell you you are wrong for wanting more. Don’t ever let anyone shame you for believing in yourself. 

Creating healthy habits and boundaries will make this practice easier. Remember, keep your eyes on the prize. Those meant to be along for the ride will be right there with you cheering you on!

Now get out there and crush those limiting beliefs like I know you can!


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