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Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse: Hit that reset and welcome a karmic clearing for all.

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This Sagittarius lunar eclipse is taking place on June 5th, at 16 degrees Sagittarius. It's like 15 degrees, 34 minutes. So 16 degrees Sagittarius.

What's up, Cosmic Connectors. I want to wish you a happy Friday today. We have a beautiful Sagittarius lunar eclipse. I know this time in all of our lives feels really uncertain. And I know this because my phone has been ringing off the hook. And I know this because I myself have been experiencing my own realizations and awareness that I've stepped into, and I'm ready to transform.

So I know, and I can absolutely relate. And I want to make this video for you guys today to give you some insight into what this eclipse can mean for you and how to navigate best some of these larger energies that are going on in the sky above you right now. So stay tuned.

This Sagittarius lunar eclipse is taking place on June 5th, at 16 degrees Sagittarius. It's like 15 degrees, 34 minutes. So 16 degrees Sagittarius. That is the point in your own chart. If you do follow along, you can look at your Sagittarius house because this is where we are experiencing this eclipse energy.

This one isn't as strong as the June 20th eclipse, but this one is considered the baby eclipse compared to that one. But this is definitely still part of the process this year.

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For accuracy, you must have your correct birth time, city, and state.


The larger energy we are all experiencing is this huge Saturn Pluto conjunction at the beginning of the year. And Jupiter joining them has really shaken this world up. And it's for a reason like there is a bigger, larger reason and purpose that we're supposed to, and we're meant to look at here.

We are absolutely breaking down a lot of the structures that were not working for any of us. They were not sustainable. There are huge, powerful truths being brought to the surface right now that we are meant to be looking at. That is the only way for us to move into our future on a stable footing and build from a solid foundation.


This eclipse is directly affecting the United States' ascendant. Here in the United States, we are Sagittarius rising. This is a huge karmic clearing for the United States as a country. 


This Sagittarius lunar eclipse carries the full moon energy. Full moons bring awareness, completions, or endings. The moon lights up the areas that we are meant to focus on. And we are meant to do the inner work, to create some lasting changes. Because it is a lunar eclipse, this is emotion. Clearing out a lot of built-up emotions and making room for the fresh and new. This is powerful and can be highly emotional.

Moon Square Neptune 

This Sagittarius lunar eclipse has a heavy influence from Neptune as well. So it makes things very unclear. It can make things so foggy that you don't even know what you're fighting about. What you're feeling on an emotional level can be very uncertain right now; this energy from the eclipse exposes the shadow of it all. 

There is a lot of shadow work that we are digging into—all of the things that we have suppressed or ignored. We've turned a blind eye to it, and we can no longer sustain this energy. We can no longer hold on this way. It's not working. And this is what we're meant to see right now.

Stay open and take responsibility for your part. What are you bringing to the table in this equation altogether? Do the work to really understand how you have played a role in this and begin taking responsibility to become aware and move forward responsibly.

With the energy being so uncertain right now, it's really a great time to reflect inwardly and not necessarily push your opinions, rigid viewpoints, or your beliefs. It's not the time to push those all out there yet. It's the time to do the work inwardly and to see what's really coming up to make sure that it's what you feel and not what we are plugged into within society or within the circumstances that are happening all around us right now. 


The Moon opposite Venus and square Mars during this Sagittarius lunar eclipse is just another layer of intensity. Emotional intensity could make this super combative and colored with high frustration moments you may be experiencing.

The influence of Neptune, again, it's just super clouded. I cannot stress that enough. Try not to make any big moves or jump to any conclusions right now. It's important that you really understand what is coming up.

You can stand in your awareness, really do that work emotionally, filter through the nonsense, and understand what you're ready to let go of. What do you need to release? What meets to come with you moving forward? Carry the lessons you've learned, but release the baggage. We need to move away from emotion and step into logical thinking and communication and develop some solid plans moving forward. I feel that that is the best way to use this energy right now.

Blessings in the lessons

I encourage you all ... yes, it's super intense, and come to the end of this month, we're going to start to feel it kick up another notch. So I encourage you to do the inner work and develop your spiritual practices because that's what will carry you through. Hold on to your faith and be open to what's possible.

There is so much possibility with all of this clearing, and that is where you/we need to focus. You can benefit by understanding that you're worth it, and you can implement awesome new changes for these areas of your life if you choose to.

Love yourself, love each other.

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