Marilyn Gomez- Astrology Coaching, Business Coaching Website, Astro Readings

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Addressing Burnout | Utilizing S.M.A.R.T. Goals

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Burnout. It’s Real.

Last week we talked about setting up bite-sized goals over 90 days for quick manifesting. This week we are focusing on how not to burn out by practicing S.M.A.R.T goals. That stands for Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time-Bound. 

While it is super important to set goals, we often want to dive right in and cross everything off our lists immediately. Being motivated isn’t a bad thing, but being overly motivated can quickly lead you to burnout. Once you burn yourself out, those goals that were set go out the window. 

And around these parts here, we are talking long-term techniques for success!

Let’s Break Down S.M.A.R.T Goals 


You want to get as straightforward as possible for each goal. If you are too vague with the result, you will probably not achieve it. Let’s keep it real; if you don’t know what you’re aiming for, you won’t know where to direct your energy!


Are you tracking your goals? How are you determining when the goal is complete? If the goal isn’t measurable, you may get stuck in a rut along the way, and this 90-day goal becomes a forever project. Set mini-milestones along the way to celebrate as you progress. This simple practice keeps your game strong and momentum-building.


Is this goal attainable? The purpose of setting bite-sized goals is to help make those larger goals more achievable. If the plan you envision is so big, it feels overwhelming; you will not reach the goal. Take this moment to break down your goals into smaller practical, attainable steps. 


Is the goal relevant to the larger picture developing in your life? Does it relate to your niche? Your business? Your peace & wellness? We want to work smarter, not harder, and by adding in random, non-prioritized goals, you can delay long-term success.


Setting a time frame for when you will complete your goal will keep it in focus. It will give you time to plan out your progress and meet the goals on time. Challenge yourself to set timers, dates, and deadlines to hold yourself accountable. The best part is looking back and seeing how far you have come.

These steps can really help you focus on what it is you want to achieve and how quickly you can manifest them into fruition. 

I break down an example for you below!

How To Make S.M.A.R.T Goals

Here is an example goal and how we break it down using S.M.A.R.T:

Goal: Give back to hospice patients in my community through wellness services.

Specific: (Spill the details) I will contribute two volunteering hours weekly for hospice patients, which is a great way to give back, feel good, and gain visibility within my hometown.

Measurable: (How will you know you met your goal?) I will see this goal is coming to life when I am actively receiving assignments and showing up in service.

Attainable: (Is this goal doable within your window of time?) This goal is possible with my 90-day window.

Relevant: (Is this relevant to the larger picture at play in your life?) This goal falls in line with my Holistic Wellness Business that is in its infancy and can use the exposure and good karma.

Time-bound: (Hold yourself accountable with grace and flexibility) I will be in practice within 90-days. 

I hope that helps you. 😊Breaking down those goals in this fashion will save you time and stress in the long run!

Like all the tools I share with you here, this one is a practice and only works with intention and consistency.

I include S.M.A.R.T intention-setting into my coaching sessions because I want to make sure you get there without burnout and with clarity of vision. 

If you want to learn more about how I can support you on a 1:1 basis, schedule a FREE 30-min expert chat today! 👇🏽👇🏾👇🏿

I would love to help you achieve those goals!


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