Soul Grow™️ Career & Money
Explore the astrology of work, career, and money through your personalized Astrology blueprint.
Are you discontent with your current status, and nothing seems to bring the satisfaction you desire in your work or career?

What it would feel like to be fulfilled and make a difference in the world in your unique way.
Your life before Soul Grow™ Career & Money
❌You’re wondering if this
is your time to follow
your heart and how to
take the first step.
❌You feel like you’ll give
your right arm to feel
passion + fulfillment
once again.
❌You’ve been in the same
field of work and are
ready for something
❌You have skills to share
with the world, and
nobody knows of them.
Your life after Soul Grow™ Career & Money
⭐You’ll experience the
freedom that comes with
⭐You’ll discover your
innate talents and have
the tools to feel aligned
with destiny.
⭐You’ll have concrete
ideas and themes to
create lasting
fulfillment in work and career.
⭐You know what areas of
your chart highlight how
to create financial
Soul Grow™️
Career & Money Chart
Empowering you with enduring strategies for sustainable growth + fulfillment in your work, and career.
With a Soul Grow™️ Career & Money Chart, you can:
Discover what you are destined to become.
Catapult your progress with detailed guidance aligning your work and career with your natal promise.
Rewrite your story and recreate your future.
Gain insight into the areas of your life you are naturally supported in creating abundance.
Manifest dreams with divine timing.
Discover your highest potential for success by utilizing the energy available to you specifically in the best possible ways.
What People Are Saying
“Tears, but good ones, so much clarity, and inspiration.
I now have a better understanding of ‘unplugging’ from all that isn’t serving me... it’s time to purge outdated feelings and finally create my path. You get me!”
-Jessica V.
“I’m not afraid anymore! My babies deserve pure happiness and a healthy mama to give it to them.
Thank you, Marilyn, for being a constant source of positivity in our lives.”
— Rachel C.
Here’s What You Get
Personalized Soul Grow™ Career & Money reading
Your package includes:
60-minute recording of our time together.
Copy of your unique natal chart.
Email support for follow-up questions.
Your complete LIVE 60-minute chart analysis is recorded and sent to you via an MP4 link for your continued reference.
Your Investment: $197
Here's what happens when you sign up
Click the link to book your Soul Grow™️ Career & Money reading.
This service requires your birth data, including date, time, and place for accuracy.
Complete the intake form and finalize payment.
Share as much as you can on your intake form and include any questions you would like answered.
You’re in!
Be on the lookout for your appointment reminder and meeting link sent directly to your email within 48 hours of your booking time.