Call in Success with Daily Mindset Affirmations in 2021

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Raise your vibrations in 2021 with daily mindset affirmations.

You've heard it before; thoughts become things. But how does that work? Since the 2006 release of the secret, many people have questioned the law of attraction and how impactful daily affirmations can affect a specific outcome. 

From my experience, thoughts DO become things, whether they are true or not, good or bad, the more thoughts built in our minds can absolutely affect what is happening internally and externally. Thoughts are powerful and even more powerful when used intentionally.

From those thoughts, we begin to shape our reality from the inside out. This is why mastering your mindset is highly important to remain in control of your most extraordinary and less than extraordinary manifestations.


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What are affirmations? 

 What are affirmations? Affirmations are positive statements that can help challenge a limited mindset and purposefully shape your reality. Daily practice or inner belief and a deep knowing in those positive statements can begin to help shift your life in a profound direction.

For example, research shows that self-affirmation, which recognizes your value of yourself, can shield against the harmful effects of stress on your performance. Use daily affirmations in any area you wish to inject positivity and forward movement in your life. 

These life-shifting phrases can be beneficial when paired with visualization and goal-setting techniques to focus your intention in specific areas. Instead of just meditating or just visualizing the changes you wish to see, attach an affirmation to those changes.

Claim It

Affirm those changes with positive statements to yourself like you would toward your best friend, child, or grandparent. Fill your soul with love, respect, and honor. 

Share the same regard and care with yourself as you would with those that you love deeply. Affirmations are to your mind what exercise is to your body. So with daily mental fitness, you can begin to train your subconscious patterns into thriving, tangible manifestations.

I have written out a few affirmations to give you some inspiration. You can jump on these or rewrite your own to support the goals and dreams you bring to life in 2021.

I have written out a few affirmations to give you some inspiration. You can jump on these or rewrite your own to support the goals and dreams you bring to life in 2021.

Daily mindset affirmations

For relationships:

My relationships are rooted in strength, respect, and encouragement.

For success:

I align with my most extraordinary success story,

For self-care:

 I set healthy boundaries to support my needs each day. 


Money flows to me quickly and effortlessly.

For daily practice: 

My daily schedule allows me to focus my mind, nurture my body and feed my soul. 

For growth:

I know my value, and I welcome all growth opportunities.

For your profession:  

Each day, I meet exciting and innovative people purposefully placed in my path, leading me toward conscious collaborations.

Which affirmation resonates the most with you?

Let me know down below in the comments. I am excited to hear what you come up with or planning to put on your vision board to kickstart your 2021 and beyond!

Love yourselves, love each other. 

Until next time


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Ground and connect in 2021 | 20-minute guided meditation


Raise your vibrations in 2021 by pulling forward hidden blessings.