Weekly Astrology | Soul Grow Astro | Mars conjoins Jupiter

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What's up, beautiful people? Welcome back. Let's jump into your weekly astrology alignments so you can navigate your week with some flow and ease and know what's coming your way.

How's your week going? I hope you guys are having a good one.

For those who are new, My name is Marilyn. I am the Astro biz in money coach, Helping you align your money systems, passions, and talents in your life + online biz with your astrology chart.

weekly astrology alignments

As of May 28th, Venus moves into the sign of Taurus, which is an excellent shift of energy. Venus loves to be in Taurus as she rules over this sign.

So the energy changes from the quicker self-directed pace of Aries, and it slows it down. Enjoying the luxury, enjoying the sensory, enjoying yourself, and doing things at a slower pace while being okay with it.

You will notice that things will slow down a bit, so you can stop and smell those roses.


Astrology weekly forecast 

Mars and Jupiter.

The applying conjunction. As we move closer, it's applying conjunction. Because Mars isn't quite there yet, it becomes stronger and stronger as we move forward, and this doesn't happen every year.

Every two years, this alignment forms.

So this is a lucky, super auspicious time to tap into the drive you'll feel picked up as you're chasing goals. And Jupiter blessing this area of your chart right now is all the more favorable. But what you need to pay attention to is excess because Jupiter will expand anything.

Excessively chasing goals to where you're impulsively taking action or not looking at all the details. We have to be mindful of that right now.

Even though it's there for you and the drive is there for you, the energy is there to tap into; be mindful. You still need to pay attention.

So you're setting a solid foundation. Yes, you will feel this one as you move through those days. And then, as you can see, we are getting closer to the new moon.

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Planet aspects today, May 30th, 4:31 am PST.

We will have our new moon in the sign of Gemini. On May 30th, this is Pacific daylight time, which is 4:31 AM here in California.

How do we know that there's a new moon in the weekly astrology?

First off, we see the sign of Gemini, and then we see the sun and the moon conjunct. The luminaries are sitting at the same degree same minutes. Meaning it's exact. The same degree, the same minute, conjunct; this is a new moon.

It's kicking off your fresh beginning in your Gemini house.

You look at that little number  ( House number ) on the inner rim to know where your new beginning is happening for you.

In this example chart, the new beginning would kick off in the second house of value of finance, worth, and material possessions.

Look to your inner ring to see which house this is for you for your new beginnings and your new blessings.

All right.

So that was 1, 2, and 3 for weekly astrology. I will see you guys next week.

Until next time!


Need a copy of your natal chart?

If you are brand new to astrology, then definitely check out this post right here. So you can identify the different parts of your natal chart, then grab your free soul grow guide.

I will leave it there, and I will see you guys next week. 


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