Weekly Aspects | Soul Grow Astro | Astro aligned Life & Biz

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Welcome back, everybody. I'm Marilyn, the Astro biz and money coach. Dishing you some weekly aspects so you can navigate your week successfully. I drop a tech tutorial for you every Tuesday. And money mindset towards the end of the week. Let's get it going. 

So Friday to Friday, here we go. And I only give you a few. There are so many weekly aspects that I can show. 

Weekly Aspects

I want you to look at this chart and see that this is a mundane chart. These are just transits that are happening and the connections they make are the weekly aspects.

This is not somebody's birth time. It's the birth time of this moment, where I'm showing you. This would go right on top of your chart. 

So, where you see the Zodiac sign, you look at those houses on your chart and know that these planets are right on that outside transiting, crossing through this house for you.

Shifting Seasons

As of May 20th, the sun shifts into the sign of Gemini; this puts your focus, the sun, your focus, on Gemini themes of socialization & community.

Enjoying yourself and sharing your ideas and the things you have been working on and bringing to life. 

We are in Mercury retrograde. We are now in Gemini season, we just had this lunar eclipse, so there are a lot of different energies in this mix here, but do know that your focus begins to shift to more the social activities.

And if we think about it, we're shifting into the end of the school season. So graduations, summertime, all of it picks up. 

So you look at your little number on your chart. And then you'll know your themes and area of focus.


Mercury Cazimi

Okay, so this next alignment is a beautiful one. So my mentor, my teacher, the great Heather Eland.

We've talked about mercury Cazimi in class, and she talks about it all over; go check out her work. She is phenomenal.

Mercury is at the seat of the sun, receiving all of the goodness, not combust, just within the 16-minute mark. 

Super conjunct to get the downloads, the insights, the inspirations, the intuitive hits that would come during such a blessed moment. A really lucky time to receive.

During these times, slow it down. Meditate or do some reflection and journaling to see what pops up for you. 

Even though we're in Mercury retrograde, you can get a piece of your puzzle that's missing, how you can move forward, and where you can take action next.

As of May 21st, see right here, 12: 15 PM Cali time. So definitely adjust that for your time zone. So you can tap in. 

This alignment must be within 16 minutes. The minutes are this tiny little number right here. So within 16 minutes to be Cazimi, but the moment it's outside of that border, it becomes combust.

And that's different energy where anxiety and it could be overthinking -it's not as favorable.

Mercury Cazimi -Mercury conjoins the sun within 16 minutes and will become exact at 12:15 pm. This is California time; please adjust for your time zone. From 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. 

You will benefit from this alignment. 

Take your time to step back, reflect, and tune in. Maybe you're meditating or doing something where you allow yourself to receive, be in receiving mode. Any piece of your puzzle that may be missing will come in. Let it come in.

Mercury RX back into Taurus

Let's see what other weekly aspects we have. Okay. So as we move forward through your week,

Remember, we are in Mercury retrograde. There are things that you're revising right now. You're looking it over so you can make it stronger. 

Around 6:15 pm, Mercury moves back into the sign of Taurus. This energy makes things slow down even further.

This past week has still given you some extra mental energy because Mercury was in his home sign.

Moving into the sign of Taurus, in retrograde, slows it down. 

But it's giving you the chance to make those revisions. Don't feel like you need to push and be and put out more and more. You have to revise and stabilize what you're working on. You will do yourself so much good by doing so.

After the retrograde, this area of life is ready when we move forward before you add that next layer. 

Mercury will move back in, slowing it down, but it's stabilizing it. It's slowing it down for you to pay attention. Don't be all the places; slow it down and focus in.

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MARS > Aries

I want to give you the last alignment for your week so you can focus because we have too many, then we're all over the place. 

Okay, so let's move forward. Mars moves into his home sign of Aries. We will feel this one. Like we are ready to go! 

In the sign of Aries, Mars is all passion, drive, and motivation. You're ready to take action. And you're feeling motivated to chase your goals and dreams. 

Aries is a self-directed sign. It could be just your passion projects, wants, and wishes, and know that's what everybody around you is also trying to do the same.

So take action because these are your goals, dreams, wants, and wishes, and you deserve to bring them to life. Especially with Jupiter up in the mix, expanding those blessings, giving you more auspicious energy to tap into, so get it. 

Those are your three weekly aspects for the week.


And the fantastic tool that I use to record the screen like this and share these with you every week is Loom.

I recorded my whole course with it, and it has just been a game-changer in my life in business. I will drop that link for you too. 

Check it out below and start to jump in on some of this tech fun.

Need a copy of your natal chart?

If you are brand new to astrology, then definitely check out this post right here. So you can identify the different parts of your natal chart, then grab your free soul grow guide.

I will leave it there, and I will see you guys next week. 


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