What are the eight phases of the moon? | Astro aligned Biz

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Have you ever wondered how you can start to use the eight lunar phases of the moon to your benefit throughout the month? Well, stay tuned because I'm going to show you how. And stick around to the end because I have a guide just for you to harness every phase of this lunar cycle. 

As you move throughout the month to the best of your ability, you can ebb and flow and learn when to hold 'em and when to let go; it is a beautiful process, and there are ways to do it!

For those that are fresh & new, hi, I'm Marilyn! I teach online entrepreneurs how to align smart money management, their lives, and careers with their astrology blueprint and the online tech tools needed to grow and scale their businesses. 

What are the 8 lunar phases?

There are eight lunar phases. The moon changes signs every two and a half days. The moon is the fastest-moving celestial body. 

Every 28.5 days, we complete the lunar cycle. So from new moon to full moon, there are eight mini phases in between there that you can start to utilize to know what each week is asking of you. 

TBH, you can look up in the sky, and you'll know exactly where we are in the cycle at any given time. Plus, there are tons of apps; even your Google calendar adds in moon phases.

 Everybody's flowing with Lady Light. It's time you do too. Let's go!


New Moon

The new moon is a time when you begin to have that new vision. You're ready to plant new seeds, set something new in motion, or you are really formulating that jump-off point for your next latest and greatest.

Waxing Crescent

The waxing phase from the new moon is when it's growing in light. That's the waxing crescent moon magic. The next phase of the moon is the Waxing Crescent moon, as we begin to grow in light.

When we're starting to show light, this is actually when you start to communicate those new intentions; you can even begin to write about them or journal them. 

Up until this point, you were still in the dark moon phase. The phase where you're filtering through all of your ideas and allowing yourself to reflect and formulate some plans. The waxing Crescent is when we begin to take action!


Then comes the first quarter moon, also known as the waxing quarter. This is when we're taking action. We are taking action now. Where we thought about it at the new moon, we started talking about it at the waxing Crescent, and now we are taking action at the waxing first quarter.

Waxing Gibbous

The waxing gibbous moon is also known as the waxing gibbous. This part of the phase is where we gather information. We analyze what has worked during this first part of the lunar phase because we're approaching that full moon. Journaling is a huge help at this time. Becuase our awareness is growing. You now see which part of your plan is working and what factors are not working. And this is where you can make those adjustments. 


Now comes the full moon. The full moon is a time of heightened emotion, very much heightened emotion. And it's not like this for all. It could just be heightened awareness, maybe even pride, joy, gratitude, and emotion, all the way around.

 It doesn't necessarily need to be negative emotion; although it can be, it can be a bright light—that great big lunar light on missed opportunities. It brings all of this awareness. 

You could be harvesting with the full moon or implementing rituals of release. You can see that the seeds you planted are starting to grow. 

Waning Gibbous

And the next part is our disseminating moon. This is also known as the waning gibbous. So from the full moon to the new moon, we are now waning. The moon is losing light. The waning gibbous is where you're gaining clarity. You know which parts of your process have worked. And you're probably even sharing what you've learned throughout this time. 

Third Quarter Moon

The third-quarter moon is where we begin to close the cycle as we are almost back to that dark of the moon, the new moon. At this time you're going to do your follow-ups, check-ins to wrap up your cycle, anything that you need to release or let go of or close it up and finalize. 

Waning Cresent

This is the final phase of the moon. Where you finally let go. Let go of what didn't work. Allow yourself this rest, recoup, and regeneration before you begin again.

Need a copy of your natal chart?

If you are brand new to astrology, then definitely check out this post right here. So you can identify the different parts of your natal chart, then grab your soul grow guide. You can start to discover and use astrology in practical application in the way that I learned to use it and the ways I teach it!


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Waxing Moon

In conclusion, the waxing period is best for initiations to start to grow, to create something brand new, or it starts to bring new things into your life. This is when creativity is high. Fertility is high, and the energy of newness is fresh and vibing.

Waning Moon

Waning moons are best for completions. It's best for the harvest and the release. As you close down the cycle, we take rest, recharge, and renew time. I hope this helped you guys this week. I have had many questions since I dropped a little TikTok last week. 

Self-care is so important through each phase. Here are some extra ideas to help you ebb & flow.

Do you use lunar phases in your planning? Let me know in the comments below. And what would you like to learn? I’m always open to suggestions.

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