The houses in astrology, what are they & what do they represent?

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What are the houses in astrology? 

If you've ever wondered how Astrologers piece together information about YOU every week, this is how. Every piece of this chart is a layer. This is where it gets really, really, freaking cool. 

What's up, everybody!? For those who are new, I'm Marilyn! The Astro Biz & Money coach. I teach online entrepreneurs how to align smart money management, their lives, and careers with their astrology blueprint and all of the online tech tools they need to learn to grow their business. 

If this is where your heart is, stick around because I have so much to show you. 

Okay, guys. So today, I want to talk about the twelve houses in astrology, and what they mean in my practice. I use the Tropical Zodiac, based on the seasons and the whole sign house system.

Astrology awareness 

Using Astrology paired with systems is how you start to see; okay, if this is a natural part of my makeup, how can I work with it instead of working against it? How can I empower myself instead of cut myself down? 

How can you highlight those gifts and make sure you recognize when you're dipping into a lower vibration. You can learn all of that and more! I can talk to you and endlessly teach you about astrology for the rest of my life. 

And then comes timing, and then cycles. It's beautiful. It is a lovely tool for self-discovery and transformation. So, today, we're talking houses.

Tropical Zodiac

I use the tropical Zodiac and a whole sign house system in my practice. Every astrologer has their way, what speaks to them directly. So know that in case the natal chart that you may have pulled looks a little different. 

Keep an open mind & open heart with astrology. When it's spoken to the masses, it can be extremely general. There is no way of knowing or telling what's going on for you without seeing your chart and what is happening there. 

Where to look?

When we identify pieces of the chart, you will start on this side here. Do you see this number one in the circle in the center? 

This center circle is giving you the house numbers. So when we say it is going through your second house, or it's going through your eighth house, or it is coming into your 10th house of career... This is what we're talking about, the houses in astrology. 

Your rising sign will always be in this first house here. So there's the little symbol here for ascended, and it will ALWAYS be in this first house. So each piece of this chart, each part of the puzzle, is made up of 30 degrees. 

What do the Houses in Astrology mean? 


So what does the first house represent? First house? This is the house of self. The theme is all about you, yourself, your physical body here, your outlook on life, your lens on life. How you view the world, your characteristics, how the world views you, and your early childhood experiences.

When doing a business chart, this first house is the essence of the business. That placement says a lot about your business! 

Then we're moving to the second house now, I can geek out, and I get super excited. You hear it in my voice; my heart starts pumping. I start talking fast, but I'm trying to stay focused on just the houses ONLY. There are so many things I want to look at and show you.

Second house

This is a financial house. Your value house. House of money, income, possessions, the things you value materially, the things you spend money on your livelihood. How you save, and your attitude towards money. 

Have your Astro guide?

I got you. I have all of this goodness in my Soul Grow™️ Astro reference guide, so you can always follow along with me. 

Peeling back the layers of your chart is where it starts to come to life. And you really discover like, man, they're not just blowing smoke up my a$$ every week. Astrology is legit shiiieet!

Third House

This is the house of siblings, your cousins, neighbors, community, and mindset. 3rd house is also short-distance travel. So like, if you're going to go an hour away, not traveling across the country, that is a different house. The third house is early education, certificate education, getting a certificate or certification, not higher education. Honestly, this is the house of all things communication.

Important side notes: Your angle houses first, fourth, seventh, and 10th are super-duper important. Any shifts, happenings, and transits to those areas of your chart are life-changing, trust.

Fourth House

The fourth house is the house of home and family, your property, the roots, foundations, traditions you establish, and your private life.

The IC right here, that point represents your private life and the MC up here, your public life, what you do outside, what you're doing privately.

Fifth house

The house of children, pleasures, what you do because you love to do them; they're joyful. This area of your chart represents creativity and entrepreneurship. You're usually igniting a business because it's lighting up your sou, and you believe in it so much you want the world to see it—lastly, the house of romance. Let us not forget—romantic partners and romance in general.


Sixth house

This area represents your day-to-day routines, your mundane daily get-down. This is also the house of health, your coworkers or employees, your work, the work you're doing daily. Service dogs service pets also fall under the 6th.

Seventh house

This is the house of relationships. All of 'em! Your romantic relationships, business partners, close friends, and all your relationships in between. The 7th is also the house of marriage because this is the house of contracts, agreements, and negotiations. Oddly enough, this is also known as the house of open enemies. As you know, not all relationships are healthy and supportive.

Eighth house

The eighth house is the house of debt, taxes, loans, inheritances, and shared resources.

The 8th is a spiritual house known as the house of death, rebirth, and transformation. The house of deep, psychological trauma, fears, power, and control.

In a biz chart, this is one of your financial houses. The house of your clients, the money you receive from other people, and occult practices are all wrapped up in the eighth house.

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Ninth house.

The ninth house represents religion, philosophies, your belief systems. This is also the house of long-distance travel, higher education, university level. The ninth house is foreign cultures, publishing, also being the teacher, the professor.

Tenth house

The 10th house represents your career point blank period. Work like werrrk, long-term work. What you want to be known for work, your reputation, public standing, authority, and how you're using your posture, leadership, and long-term public image.

Eleventh house.

The 11th is the house of friends, groups networks, humanitarian pursuits; what you're doing out in the world. This house represents long-term goals and dreams, those hopes you have for the future, social recognition, rewards, and gains. Social media and the internet are defined here too!

Twelfth house

The 12th house. This area of your chart can be a little confusing. This is the house of endings and loss and is known as the hidden house of the Zodiac. The 12th is also a spiritual house where you go inward, your dreams, retreat. You can do shadow work in this house, working on unconscious behaviors, your subconscious. Hospitals, temples, brothels, prisons, and hidden places are wrapped up in the twelfth.

If you think about it, we move through the first house, moving around the Zodiac through the seasons and back to the first by the start of Spring. When moving through the 10th, you're in the public eye, everyone can see you then as you keep moving, down to the 12th house of rest and recoup.

There we have it, the houses in astrology!

Need a copy of your natal chart?

If you are brand new to astrology, then definitely check out this post right here. So you can identify the different parts of your natal chart, then grab your soul grow guide. You can start to discover and use astrology in practical application in the way that I learned to use it and the ways I teach it!


One of my goals for the year was to teach you how astrology works in practical ways and how you could start to apply it. Before we ever work together, so you can begin to do some deep soul searching. 

Curious about how I can help you take control of your comfort zones and breakthrough cycles and patterns that hold you back with Astrology? 

Ready to take a deep dive into your chart?


If you aren't already following me on Instagram or anywhere else, I would love for you to join me! Come say hello so I can follow your journey!

I can't wait to see you there. 

Heart & Healing, 


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