Lunar Eclipse Meditation: Ground. Connect. Release.

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This lunar eclipse meditation will allow you to calm your mind, raise your vibration, and allow an excellent release as we step into our future. Learn more >>>HERE<<<



Reflect and Release.

This lunar eclipse meditation will allow you to calm your mind, raise your vibration, and allow an excellent release as we step into our future.

Find yourself a quiet space or a comfortable position, and slowly allow your body to relax into the surface beneath you. Straighten your back and slowly close your eyes. Allowing this lunar eclipse meditation to work its magic.

Take a deep breath in and release, allowing your shoulders to drop down, and take another deep breath in and release, melting down. Allow your shoulders to relax your neck to relax. And one more deep cleansing breath in... and release.

Lunar eclipse meditation

I want you to take a moment and notice the position of your body. This beautiful lunar eclipse in the sign of Gemini is allowing us closure, allowing the awareness of all we've learned in the past 20 years, in the past 37 years, 200 years, and 800 years! Massive cycles are shifting in your favor right now.

Take a deep breath in. Where is your healing taking place? What are you ready to release? Get crystal clear on what is no longer serving the phenomenal person you're stepping into.

Gemini lunar eclipse

Allow us to activate the higher mind, our higher wisdom with outstanding clarity and confidence, knowing what we are not bringing forward. This forward motion is part of your destiny. ✨Your future is calling you—deep breath in ... and release.

I want you to place your hands gently on your stomach to focus on your breath. Notice how your belly rises on the inhale and contracts with every exhale. Just notice... Just be... Whatever arises for you at this time is exactly right. Allow emotions to rise, allow any fears to rise, vulnerabilities, let them rise to the surface.

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Your healing starts now.

This is YOUR time. Step into YOUR blessings. Deep breath in... You deserve everything coming your way. So, step out of your way and activate that higher mind. Release those fears. Release the vulnerability. You are letting go completely. Deep breath in... And continue to release with every exhale.

I want you to notice this bright white light flooding into your mind through your crown chakra, warming your soul, filling your entire body with pure life source energy, deep breath in... Fill it up. Fill your body and release anything no longer serving you.

Deep breath in...

Inhale courage and commitment, exhale self-doubt, and procrastination. Deep breath in... pure white light filling your mind and your body with clarity and confidence. And release... Release anything no longer serving the person you are becoming, the person calling for you to step forward, reach out and touch that person, now.

Breath in peace and purity... filling your soul with magic, magical light, healing light. Release anything that continues to feel heavy, allowing your body just to drop down, down.

Deep breath in, fill your heart. You are filling with peace, filling with clarity, filling up with love. Love yourself and all that you've endured especially this past year. Love where you are, love where you are going. Feel that love and gratitude. Let it vibrate powerfully in your soul.

Deep breath in and release. Let it go. Let it go. I want you to put your left hand on your heart and place your right hand gently on top. Allow your breath just to flow naturally. And I want you to say to yourself silently, "thank you." Thank you for the discernment, knowing what you've outgrown but feeling grateful for everything you're able to bring forward. Embrace this next season of life. It's yours. It's calling you... Deep breath in... And exhale.

Please repeat after me;

Avalanches of abundance flow to me daily.
I am worthy of a remarkable life.
I am divinely guided in all that I do.
I am active, fit, and healthy.
I feel inspired and motivated.
I am successful.
My body is strong and physically fit.
I live in a state of gratitude and keep the vibrations clean and clear around me.
I forgive.
I believe in myself.
Beauty and abundance surround me.
I have unlimited energy.
I know I have love and support everywhere I look.
I am open to all possibilities.
I love myself, and from that place, and in that space, I can share my love with humanity.

Deep breath in...
You are holding that fresh energy inside. Allow it to fill your brilliant brain, your body, and your spirit with grit, grace, and unwavering faith.

Free your mind. Free stagnant emotions. Step in and up with logic and do it in your way, in your style. Step forward. The time is now.

Go in peace.

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