Marilyn Gomez- Astrology Coaching, Business Coaching Website, Astro Readings

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Saturn in Aquarius: Limiting and restricting humanity.

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Saturn in Aquarius: Limiting and restricting humanity.

Saturn in Aquarius, can you feel it? This Saturday, Saturn moves into the sign of Aquarius.  The energy has been building in intensity as we get closer to the weekend. The entire world is feeling the magnitude of this shift. Saturn is an outer planet that impacts society as a whole.

This 3-year transit of the Great Malefic will continue until March 2023 after his final retrograde back in the sign of Capricorn, then forward motion into Aquarius once we come to the end of 2020. 

What does Saturn in Aquarius mean?

For starters, Saturn, in traditional astrology, is known as the Great Malefic, who rules over authority, governments, including corporations, and brings challenges, limitations, hardships, restrictions, and fear.

Depending on your current perspective and individual circumstance, this energy change can feel impossible to get through.

In astrology, Aquarius rules over the internet, friends, gatherings, social interactions, and social networks. The Aquarius archetype is known for emotional detachments, innovative ideas, learning, and teaching.

So, here we are... Saturn is placing separations, controls, and restrictions on group gatherings and friends(Aquarius). "Social distancing" is literally what Saturn in Aquarius represents!

We have sincere fears and anxieties on a social level in the world right now. We will continue to witness our government experience 'growing pains' to achieve a new sustainable structure.

This new structure will take time but will be worth it.

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Saturn in Aquarius - The Invite

This energy invites us to admire the human brain, your own wealth of knowledge, and see what you can sustainably achieve.🧠

Furthermore, we DO have the technology here, in front of us, to learn and utilize as we move quickly into the future! 

Grab ahold of your fears and start thinking outside of the box!

Food for thought🤔

How can you maintain your social connections via the internet?

How can you sustain your life working from home during this time? 

Have patience, open your mind, be creative, and tap into this Aquarian energy.

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Ready to take a deeper look into what this means for you personally?

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Love & Light,

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