Chiron | How He Offers Healing For Our Deepest Wounds

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Who is Chiron?

We love to talk about healing around here, so let me introduce you to Chiron. Chiron is an asteroid named after a centaur in Greek mythology, known as the “wounded healer.” He shows us where we are extremely sensitive or vulnerable. He represents our deepest wound and allows us to understand and accept and then push it back out as service. This re-ignites the fire within us. 

Chiron was a centaur who was rejected by his own mother, leading him to a deep wound. He was a teacher and a healer who could not heal himself. So he started working alongside the wise men and doctors of his time in service. Finally, through his own service, he was able to start to heal. Not physically, but enough to move forward in his work.

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How Chiron Shows Up For You

When Chiron shows up in your chart, it shows you where you have healing powers as a result of your own deep wounds. It represents both pain and healing. He teaches you to face your wounds and learn how to rise above the issues. These wounds can cause us to feel inadequate. He reminds us to rise above with service.

Chiron for me is in my first house. I knew this wound was about my body and the vulnerabilities and sensitivities I felt surrounding the topic. I slowly began to heal myself as I started to embrace every single layer of my story. Once I started to understand service and knew that I was worthy, I understood people needed this message more than I needed to hold onto this wound. 

Chiron in the Zodiac Chart

Chiron takes about 50 years to cycle through the entire zodiac.  That averages out to be about 4 years in each sign. When it activates in your chart, it can be very triggering. It may force you to face sorrows within your own lives. Some of the strongest struggles we face can bring the greatest opportunities for growth, which leads to healing. 

Learning about your own zodiac placements can bring on a large amount of information about yourself and how you handle things around you. Chiron will show you how to heal, but there are so many more layers to the chart. 

This work ignites a fire within me. I want to help you heal those wounds and better understand the struggles you endure. 

Reach out when you feel called for a 1 on 1 call. 

Keep reaching for growth and heal from within. 


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