What is Holistic Living?| How Living a Holistic Lifestyle Has Changed My Life

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Holistic living is different for everyone. This is my story and how holistic living has helped me with my life long wellness while living with a chronic illness. Read more here: https://www.marilyngomezwellness.com/blog/holistic-living

What is Holistic Living to Me?

You may hear the word holistic around here quite a bit, so I wanted to discuss holistic living and how it has changed my life while living with a chronic illness. It has been so important for my long-term wellness. I want to share my journey in hope that I can help someone else choose this path to wellness.  

If you look up the word holistic, you will see a lot of mentions of the whole person rather than the whole body. This is because holistic living means living in balance with your mind, body, and soul - all of you, not just the physical parts. 

How you apply holistic living to your life may be different from how I apply it to mine. That’s okay.  Now I will tell you how I got to where I am today, living this way. 

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Recognizing My Own Struggles

I had to recognize when I was beating myself up mentally and the toll it was taking on me emotionally and how it was directly related to how I felt physically. When I was first finding my way I thought I just needed to take my medication and exercise to keep my range of motion, but that is such a small piece of the puzzle when dealing with a chronic condition. 

Your mindset is the gateway. If you are moving through life with a negative mindset or one that is limited in what you can or cannot do, that alone will keep you from hitting the goals or chasing those dreams that you’ve always had. 

For a moment, I thought I could just pray away my condition or be positive and it would all be good. That couldn’t be further from the truth. As much Faith as I have, we cannot thrive off prayer, positivity, and medication. Although, having a strong gratitude practice and having soul-feeding rituals is an important part of this process. A spiritual practice alone did not provide the results I was looking for. 

Holistic Living is More Than Just a Diet

There are so many benefits you can receive from regular Reiki sessions. I hope you found this post helpful and I look forward to giving you more information about Reiki and ways to apply it to your wellness plans.

If you are looking for more clarity on balancing your emotions, book a 1:1 call with me!

Taking Control of my Experience

What has shifted my experience, my life, and my worth has been using all of the above techniques together. It took me to finally start investing in myself, in coaches, in classes, in life with a new lens to bring all of those practices together. That’s the secret sauce friends. 

With that combo I’m not only paying attention to my mindset throughout the day, my emotional gauge is also within sight. I’m feeding my body what it needs, I can exercise at a pace that is feel-good friendly depending on the day, and I am a spiritual badass!

My faith has only strengthened and my self-worth has risen and I’m here to pay it forward. That’s what drives me to keep sharing what I’ve learned. Holistic living can be complex, but this is my definition of holistic. 

To continue to follow my journey, follow me on Instagram!

Until next time!



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