Meditation for focus & clarity.

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Meditation for Focus and Clarity. This meditation will provide some much-needed focus, clarity, and motivation to help you get through your day. Check it out >>>HERE<<<



10-minute meditation for focus and clarity.

Meditation for Focus and Clarity. This meditation will provide some much-needed motivation to help you get through your day. And to give you a little boost of energy anytime you may need it.

Let's begin.

I want you to find a comfortable position, ideally sitting up. So you're alert and ready and wide awake. I want you to imagine an invisible cord gently straightening your spine. Allowing your shoulders to open and dropdown.

Finding comfort.

Relax your jaw.

Relax your face muscles. Release any tension from the area around your eyes and your forehead.

And take a full, deep breath in.


And another.

And one more, deep breath in, cleansing.

Now let your breath settle naturally.

I want you to notice your breath entering your nose as you inhale. I want you to notice your lungs feeling fresh life. And on the exhale, contract and release, releasing any tension, letting it all go.


And exhale. 

Just noticing. Just be. 

Remaining alert and relaxed

Just feeling this moment for what it is.

Just breathe,

If your mind wanders, just shift your focus back onto your breath.

Observe the inhale and the exhale.

Now I want you to think about what brought you here today?

What prompted you to click on this meditation today? 

What do you need motivation for? 

Get clear on what you want to accomplish today or at this moment. 

Don't overthink it. 

It's always the first thought that pops into your mind. 

Allow yourself to filter the most important in your heart. 

What do you desire?

Fill your mind with that one thing. 

Now, I want you to take it a step deeper.

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Why? Why is this task important to you?

Is it for your health?

Could it be for pain relief?

For your family?

Whatever the reason is, just understand "why" this task is important to you. 

Identifying our "why" is the greatest source of motivation and energy to tackle this task whenever you wish. 

Really allow the feeling and energy of your "why" to marinate in your heart and soul.

Fill your mind with clarity. 

With every inhale, breathe clarity. 

With every exhale, release self-doubt and distraction.

Inhale clarity

Exhale self-doubt and distraction 

Inhale clarity...

Exhale self-doubt 

Alright, I want you to take a moment to see how you feel. Maybe a little more clarity, extra motivation, some much-needed energy to handle anything that comes your way.

Take a deep breath in

And another...

And when you're ready, slowly, open your eyes.

Now, with the clarity and motivation.

I set you free...

Go get 'em!


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Mindset Fitness: A guided meditation for daily, whole-body wellness.


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