Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief

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In this mindfulness meditation, I'll gently guide you to identify, accept, and transform pain and discomfort through awareness and relaxation. Learn more >>>HERE<<< marilyngomezwellness.com/blog/mindfulness-meditation



In this mindfulness meditation, I'll gently guide you to identify, accept, and transform pain and discomfort through awareness and relaxation.

Find a comfortable position on a chair with your back, supported, or lying down. Allow this mindfulness meditation for pain relief to take control. Take a second and notice how you feel in this moment. Observe your body and your mind. Where do you feel the tension? Where's the pain located in your physical body?

Take a deep breath in...

And on the exhale, letting go, letting your shoulders meltdown. Take another deep breath in through your nose and exhale fully out of your mouth. Pushing all of it out, dropping down, relaxing.

Now gently close your eyes and just notice this simple process of breathing. Allow your body to soften and let go of any tension. Allow your face and your jaw to relax. Your lips slightly separate the more relaxed you become. Like you're about to smile peacefully.

Take note of how you feel, how your body feels. Just observe, observe each moment as it passes.

I know pain can be extremely challenging and all-consuming at every waking moment. But at this moment, let's accept the way you feel right now, physically and emotionally, whether the sensations are positive or challenging, allow your body and mind just to be. Just relaxing, just breathing, tuning into the subtle feelings of body energy.

Now, I want you to silently repeat these mantras and use this mindfulness meditation as often as necessary.

I accept this pain. I accept it by letting go of control to change anything. I release myself from the need to do anything except just be.
I accept that my body is fully capable of healing.
I accept that there is no other place I need to be besides accepting this moment for exactly what it is.

Keep relaxing, allowing your natural breath to flow in and back out, dissolving tension with each exhale.

I want you to imagine a light, big, beautiful yellow light, beginning to shine down on you, warming and covering your entire body. This is a universal healing light. Its power can recover any condition of the mind, body, or soul. This light immediately begins to awaken your healthy cells, and they begin to multiply.

Take a deep breath in...
I want you to shift your focus on the more challenging areas, the ones with the most tension, and breathe life into those areas. With each life-giving breath, imagine a slightly different sensation. It could be tingling, warm pressure or any other pleasant feeling you want to call in is perfect.

Feel the warm sensation growing, providing relief. Allowing you to rejuvenate, refresh, and reset.

Take a deep breath in..., and out. Inhale. Exhale. And again, in and out. Continue to breathe slowly as you calm your mind, and your body follows.

Now on the next breath in, I want you to silently use the phrase “I am” on the inhale and "healed" on the exhale. Just accept, just trust, and continue to focus your mind on the phrase you will be repeating.

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Breathe in, "I am," breathe out, "healed."

In, I am. Out, healed.
I am - healed.
I am - healed.

And when your thoughts begin to wander, it's completely natural. Just shift your attention back to your phrase and continue to repeat it in your mind.
I am - healed.
I am - healed

I want you to wiggle your toes and your fingers. Take notice of how your body feels. Notice how calm your mind is. Just enjoy this peace and relaxation. Know that your wellbeing cells did their most incredible work for you today. Feel your mind and your body becoming more alert. Sit for a moment. And when you're ready, open your eyes and return to your day, keeping the sense of peace and relief with you.


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Meditation for focus & clarity.


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