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Holistic Astrology: How to Mercury retrograde like a boss!

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Mercury Retrograde, here we go again!

This Mercury retrograde starts in dreamy, spiritual Pisces and makes its way back into free-spirited, eccentric Aquarius. This could inspire you to spend more time reflecting on your spirituality and connecting with social circles on a deeper level. Although dreaded by most, Mercury retrograde is a natural part of your soulful evolution and can bring you just as many blessings as challenges. However, once we learn how to navigate these occurrences, we can create opportunities all year long for balance and growth.

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What can you expect?

First off, during the Mercury retrograde, you can experience issues with communication, learning processes, formal contracts, agreements, technology, travel delays, mental tension, or misplacing items.

Ideas and thoughts will seem to get scrambled instead of flowing normally.

Secondly, this same energy occurs within digital communication: e-mail servers go down, interruptions on social media platforms, or computer issues of all sorts.

This can cause you to have a hard time speaking, writing, or simply creating.

It can certainly be a time of intense frustration for all!

Review, reflect and reconsider

On the other hand, once you begin to pay attention to holistic astrology and how events in your life change during these phases, you will observe the lessons' importance. Mercury retrogrades are great for research, organization, and reflection.

Holistic Astrology: The dos and don’ts of Mercury Rx.


  • Pause before you speak, text, or write

  • Plan to do less

  • Allow more time for everything.

  • Adjust your expectations

  • Double-check everything

  • Reconnect


  • Sign any contracts or commit to any new agreements

  • Do not have any elective surgery.

  • Jump to conclusions

  • Start new projects

  • Stress yourself out

  • Buy a car

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In conclusion, balance your mind and emotions while paying attention to new information revealed during the retrograde.

Allow space to see what you can integrate into your life once the cycle is complete.

Above all, these are your blessings in disguise!

To book a Soul Grow™ chart analysis, click the link below. ⬇️⬇️

Love yourself, Love each other

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