New Moon Beginnings: February's Pisces New Moon

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New Moon Beginnings: Pisces. Read on to understand the cosmic energies at play and what’s in store for your new moon beginning in Pisces. Check it out >>>here<<<:

Your New Moon beginnings are happening at 4 degrees Pisces, on Sunday, February 23, 7:31 am PST.

Firstly, whichever house Pisces rules in your chart is where we are working with fresh new moon beginnings energy! Each house represents a specific area of your life, and this is where you may be consciously or unconsciously planting seeds for your future. In 6 months, you'll see the culmination of these seeds we are planting with the Pisces Full Moon come September.

New Moon beginnings in Pisces:

This energy can feel very dreamy, mystical, and blur your vision, causing you to overlook things you don't want to see. Use this to your imaginative advantage, but stay grounded, to not be self-sacrificing. Engage in creative or spiritual activities, and you'll benefit greatly.

Mars in Capricorn:

Mars in Capricorn is a rare opportunity! This new moon beginnings cycle provides powerful support from Mars to help you find the courage, discipline, and focus you'll need to bring your desires to fruition! In other words, push through your fears and self-doubts and tap into personal power! 

Venus squares Jupiter:

We can feel some challenges as Venus squares Jupiter. Venus governs our relationships, finances, and pleasures. This energy can bring tension in relationships or overextend ourselves financially. However, this discomfort may be necessary to implement lasting change. The work we are called to put in during the square aspect will set us up to reap the rewards of your New Moon beginning. 

New Moon trine N. Node:

This new moon forms a trine, an aspect of blessing, to the North Node, which can positively affect your future if you choose to take action. Trust the process. Trust your timing. Above all, remember, it will not be instant, but it will be worth it!

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In short, ask yourself, are you OK with life remaining the same? What do you want for your future? And how bad do you want it?

Destiny is calling! Grab ahold ✨


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Gemini New Moon - Clarify, ground, and trust in your timing.