12/12 Sacred Skills Portal Activation

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In this guided meditation, I’ll gently guide you through the 12/12 portal, activating your sacred skills. Learn more >>>HERE<<< marilyngomezwellness.com/blog/sacred-skills



Sacred skills 12/12 activation

Find a comfortable position as we jump into this sacred skills 12/ 12 portal meditation. On December 14th, we are experiencing a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius's sign. Let's embark on these powerful shifts and download your sacred skills.

As we move into this next cycle, this solar eclipse is strengthening the effects of all of these activations, enhancing this 12/12 portal. This portal is such a brilliant opportunity to connect to yourself and to connect collectively.

Age of Aquarius

We are now in the Ascension in the age of Aquarius, the golden age, where we pour our wealth of knowledge on humanity. Aquarius represents the water bear who can symbolize the people, what the people want. What do you want for your life? This is your moment. These are your sacred skills. This is your path forward.

Now I want you to take a deep breath in and release it slowly. Feeling the support of the surface beneath you as you're taking another deep cleansing breath in ... exhale. On this last inhale, I want you to feel clear, brilliant white light shining through your crown chakra, filling your body—these are rays of enlightenment and potent activation.

Breathe in divine light

And release anything you are no longer carrying within your energy, within your space. Continue to breathe in divine crystal white light, purifying your soul, cleansing your energy field, and on the exhale, release anything no longer serving you. Allow your breath to settle naturally.

Now I want you to take a moment to notice any tension you could be holding in your body. Release any tension in and around your eyes, your facial muscles, allow your jaw to relax. Noticing any tension, you're holding in your neck and shoulder and allow them to relax. Notice any discomfort you could be experiencing in your arms or back, and allow the tension to melt away down into the surface beneath you.

Take a deep breath in... cleansing, crystal, bright, white, light, filling your soul with pure, brilliant shimmer.

And notice any tension you could feel in your hips and allow them to relax. Any tension in your legs, your knees, and your calves. Breathe relaxation into all of these areas. Notice your feet feeling very heavy and rooted into the ground. You are creating a safe space for healing and release.

Now I want you to envision a doorway. What does the door look like? What color? Notice if there are any decorations, notice the details of the handle. How does this door make you feel? I want you to observe this beautiful portal before entering. Just notice and just feel.

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And when you're ready, you take a few steps forward and put your hand on the door.

As you push open this portal, what you see is nothing but rich, vibrant golden light. The magnificent energy of the sun is calling you, purifying and filled with wonder and magic. You feel so excited to step forward and walk inside as you began to walk through. You are stepping into the magnificent power of the Sun.

Feel it resonate deeply in your soul. Following this golden path leads you directly to source, directly to the divine. And in this form, in this space, your abilities are magnified. They are beyond what you could have ever imagined for yourself.

As you continue to step forward, all karma is melting away, transmuted into this brilliant golden light, diminishing fear, wiping away pain, and suffering. All those lower vibrations can be released and allowed to rise into pure divine light. You are source energy.

Healing visualization

This golden light, filling up your soul and your space with visions of your future. I want you in this next deep breath to picture anything that is still feeling heavy in your body, on your mind, or in your heart and send it on. Release and watch it transmute into this light surrounding you, turning into activating power for your soul's journey.

No matter how dark or how heavy it may feel, use this opportunity right now to release and send it away. You're set free any heaviness from this year, from the past 20 years from the past three years intensely, let it go.

Take a deep breath in.

Now, you have released all that no longer serves you, and you are in a prime position to call in the blessings of your future. You are entirely receptive, and you have made room and space for your sacred skills to come forward, and conscious creation through this vibrant golden light. Consider all of humanity, all of the interconnectedness, knowing you are one. Knowing this world is yours. Knowing we are all intertwined, and we are all on this journey together.

Collective consciousness

One energy. One consciousness moving into oneness. As we shift into our future, you have felt this before releasing the conditioning of our lifestyle, and society has allowed you to rebirth into this brilliant golden light of love and oneness.

Take a deep breath in and lock it in, lock in your future. Lock in this golden light. Feel your imprint on that path forward.

Go. Be. Live in the light.

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