Weekly Astro Insights | All 12 signs | February 14 -20

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Soul Grow Weekly Astro

On this day of love, we are getting the dose of inspiration as Mercury reenters, the sign of Aquarius; and as he is circling back around, he is now equipped with the clarity from Pluto and the inspired action that he brings when entering the sign of Aquarius.

Soul Grow Weekly Astrology forecast: Here we go

Hi, Marilyn Gomez, the astrology finance coach. I teach online entrepreneurs how to utilize and optimize their Astro chart to transform their relationship with money and their entrepreneurial journey.

All information delivered here on this channel is for educational purposes only. Please understand that astrology is multilayered. Take what feels right and leave the rest!


It is always best to start with your rising sign when watching horoscopes. Your rising sign will highlight what is happening in your environment, by viewing your sun sign, you'll understand what is moving and shaking within your career or what is needed on a soul level. And when it comes to your moon sign, this is your internal subjective experience, and how you're processing all of that emotionally.

By viewing your moon sign, sun sign, and rising sign, you can gain a holistic outlook into your week ahead.

As for me personally, I'm checking out my kid's signs and my husband's signs, so I know how to flow with everybody's highs and lows throughout the week.

Week of Love

On February 14, Mercury reenters Aquarius guys. So when mercury first entered Aquarius back in January, you were probably experiencing a good dose of “let's get this done” inspiration. You had all these ideas going, but maybe you didn't know what that looked like. You weren't sure of the missing pieces. While now that we have retrograded back into the sign of Capricorn to really figure out the structure, to do our research, and to figure out the processes. We move back through the sign of Aquarius, and it's time to line it all up. 

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Mercury In Aquarius

Now is your opportunity to begin again. Mercury, in the sign of Aquarius, is genius. Aquarius energy is already that scientific brain. He’s a deep thinker, out-of-the-box thinking, eccentric in your way. So mercury here gives you that extra boost of inspiration and creative juice to start moving forward in this area of your life.

Those next-level ideas and out-of-the-box originality is coming your way. And remember, even though Saturn is continuing his transit through this Aquarius house for all of us, he is making sure we are doing our due diligence.

By not trying to skip any steps, dedication, commitment, and always remaining ethical in your approach. You will succeed. Saturn is not just making things a little tricky. He is making sure that you are crossing your T’s and dotting those I’s to come out of this transit with a solid foundation in your Aquarius house for whatever it is you're building. 

Mars conjoins Venus

The second aspect I wanted to bring to your attention this week; is Mars conjunct Venus in the sign of Capricorn, on February 16, at 16 degrees. A beautiful annual dance in the sky taking place above you this week.

This alignment signifies the beginning of a new cycle of love and solid foundations that will stand the test of time.

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So you can follow along with all that I'm talking about each week. Even if you are a true beginner, you will be able to come along for the ride.


Let me know how this week plays out for you in the comments below =)

Heart & Healing,


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Weekly Astro Insights | All 12 signs