Weekly Astro Insights | All 12 signs

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Weekly Astro Insights

What's up, beautiful people? Welcome to your Soul Grow™ Astro weekly. We are kicking off a brand new weekly mini-forecasts. So you are aware of some of the most significant alignments in the sky above you for practical application. So you can navigate through your week successfully. For those that don't know me, my name is Marilyn Gomez. I am a professional astrologer, personal finance professional, and a certified life coach. And I am bringing you practical tools to use in your everyday life to start to take some chances on yourself, in your business, in your everything. 

And if that's where your heart is, stick around + don't forget to hit subscribe and the notification button so you can get notified for anything I drop on this channel throughout the weeks.

For February 6th through February 12th, we have two beautiful alignments. I would love for you guys to pay attention to ours. 

MARS Trine Uranus

Mars: The planet of action will power the planet of initiation and get up and go. This energy is your driving force and what's inside bubbling under the surface. Mars is doing that work for you guys, and in the sign of Capricorn where he is right now, he is doing his best work. 

Mars loves to rebuild structures. He wants to jump in and help you change something or come out with a better process and that better foundation before he moves forward. 


Uranus: The planet of great change. He is also known as the great awakener. When Uranus comes around, he transits a specific area of your chart; this is the shake-up! Where this area has been stagnant for far too long.

Something needs to change. Something needs to give to create the freedom and authenticity you're looking for in this specific area. So, Mars trine Uranus is a beautiful placement to provide you with some supportive energy as you start to take action. 

Mercury Conjunct Pluto

The second aspect I want to show you for the week will be Mercury conjunct, Pluto. This is amazing! A beautiful alignment, powerful. When we have a faster-moving planet, Mercury, in this case, comes to meet Pluto in the sky, kissing Pluto on the cheek, saying, yes, let's do this. Show me what you know; what do I need to see? Let's dive deep into the psyche.

This energy is fantastic for doing research. This energy is perfect for getting those powerful psychic insights. This is also a tremendous alignment for figuring it out. Maybe you just need to really buckle down and filter through a lot of those details going on right now. This is a beautiful alignment for making a power move; Pluto is power! Maybe this is even you wanting to dive deep into, uh, taboo topics. Those are also all Pluto-themed. 

Now we can move forward 

Mercury retrograde is complete. Venus retrograde is done, and as we are moving through this finale of the shadow period for Mercury, this is where we begin to implement those changes. 

Everything that you've researched, you've thought about, and you've mulled over again and again and again, during this retrograde period, this is the final pass where Mercury will conjunct Pluto for you to gain insight or deep awareness and have the power to focus in on a specific area.

So this is all wonderful news. So pay attention to any practical steps that may arise for you. So you can start to map out your way forward. 

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If you have yet to get your Soul Grow™ Astrology Reference guide. Please do so now. The link is down in the description box below so that you can follow along, but now we're going to go into all 12 signs.


Uranus has been transiting your second house for over four years, which is a need to change either your financial standing or this is your values all the way around. There are significant changes happening for you here. Either you are creating a new way within your finances, or you just need to purge and let go of old, outdated, stagnant energy that is not serving that area of your life. So as Mars is transiting your 10th house, this can give you some get-up and go power in. Maybe you are working on a work project of some sort, and this project is going to help you create a new way, a new source of income, or this is changing your status, how the public sees you, how the world sees you, and by doing so, you are feeling better about your overall self-worth. 

So remember that this trine aspect, Mercury trine Uranus, is a supporting blessing. So the action that you are taking this week is supported. Just make sure that you're not missing the boat altogether because the trine can also bring a sense of laziness where you're feeling like it's just going to happen no matter what. So jump in and enjoy this process for yourself. So now, the Mercury and Pluto conjunction for you will go down in your 10th house of career. 

So again, these powerful insights coming in for you, these psychic downloads, these synchronous, this research that you may want to dive into this week is going down in your 10th house. So do the research, allow your mind to run free, see what kind of finishing touches or whatever insights you need to add to that work project, because all in all, this is upping your self worth or it's your financial standing in some way, get it, Aries. 


Okay. So Taurus and Taurus rising with Mars, transiting that ninth house, you could very much be feeling super inspired. That is the house of inspiration. In evolutionary astrology, this is the house of Dharma. So you are working on something that is creating good karma in your life. 

Mars is trine Uranus, which is transiting your first house. So you have been going through a lot of changes. Taurus. You're changing who you are as a person and how the world views you. The old you is slowly dissolving, and the new you craves authenticity. 

You want to show up in your funky, fresh way, and you are not caring who is who's watching. So you're feeling motivated. You are ready to make those changes. And these changes are directly related to your work, and they support who you are becoming in this world. 

So then, when Mercury conjoins Pluto, this is in the sign of Capricorn, which is your ninth house. This could even be like super intentional thought. You can hone in on a certain system, a way of doing something. Maybe you understand what it is in your mindset that you're letting go of. What part of those belief systems are no longer serving you so you can finally move forward. Make those power moves this week. Do any additional research you need, which is helping you in your career and helping you, implement all these changes that you're going through as a person.


 So for Gemini and Gemini rising your Mars, tine Uranus is happening in your eighth and 12th houses. So a lot is going on behind the scenes for you, unconscious patterns, unconscious behaviors, some of the things that we do, and we don't even realize we're doing them half the time. 

This is a massive shift for you, Gemini. In your eighth house, Mars is you possibly you creating a new way forward in your shared resources. Maybe this is your partner, your husband, or your spouse of some sort, even the clients that you're working with. Now is the time when you're taking action, and you're moving forward.

You will be feeling the Mars motivation in your eighth house of shared resources. This can be you taking action to find new clients. Maybe this is your spouse trying to find a new source of income in some way—taking action in emotional healing! Because if you are transforming those unconscious and outdated patterns that are going on behind the scenes, you can very much be finally taking the initiative to let go of something emotionally that is no longer serving you. 

8th house can be profound, emotional trauma, just things that we're holding onto in our mindset and energetic body. So take that action. You are supported this week in making and initiating those changes.

All right, Gemini, your Mercury-Pluto conjunction, is in the eighth house. So this could be you understanding which investments aren't good for you right now. Maybe you understand which area you want to go and move towards when it comes to your shared resources; perhaps this is your partner because energy can be exchanged. 

Maybe this is your spouse, or your partner is the one who finally knows which way to go forward when it comes to how they will be making money. This is also great for research, doing the legwork before you move forward, those power moves, or going over the details of those contracts before you decide to either take on a loan debt or move forward with a new way of making income. 

So pay attention to those details. This week, you are supported in finding the answers needed to begin to move forward.


Your Mars trine Uranus is going down. Mars is transiting your 7th house, and Uranus is transiting your 11th. So Cancers, you have been going through some significant shifts within your social networks. Your friendships and groups; maybe these are even the goals you're chasing long-term. 

So as Mars begins to trine Uranus, Mars is giving you that get up and go power + initiation to find new relationships and find new friendships. Maybe you're finally taking action in letting those old ones go and taking action in getting your new contracts. The seventh house is also the contracts we sign. Take action and let go. Maybe this is the week where you are finally feeling supported in letting go of circles, friendships, or associations that you've held onto for far too long. 

This is your time to start to clean house. So you can be supported, uplifted, and encourage wherever you go. Next, Mercury conjunct Pluto is happening in your seventh house of relationships. This is the house of business and personal relationships and the house of contracts. 

So you could be gaining insights as to who's serving your future, which relationships are good for you, which ones are not. What details do you need to look over before you sign this contract? This energy is excellent to do the research. Maybe finally dive into your inner soul to see who is still showing up for you in healthy ways. Use this time to make those moves. 

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Leo, the Mars trine Uranus action is happening in your sixth and 10th houses. Your career house is going through a much-needed makeover. You have probably had the same career for a certain amount of time or have done things in a specific way for a significant amount of time. And your Uranus is making sure that you understand that this timeframe is changing. I mean, kicking or screaming or not, it is changing.

You are supported this week in starting to take action and making sure those changes are solid. Uranus is transiting your 10th house, Leo. Mars will be moving through your sixth house of work, daily responsibilities, and health.

This could be a time when maybe you are finally taking action in your health. Perhaps it's your mental health- or It's your physical health. This can also be your bones because Capricorn rules the bones, the teeth, the structures of your health, or the structures of your daily activities.

If those activities aren't supporting the growth and change you need in your career, this is the week where you can start to recognize how you can move forward.

Take action to let go of old behaviors, responsibilities, or activities related to your health and your work that do not serve you or have become a little outdated, clunky; streamline, find a new way forward.

You're supported to now implement these changes and be inspired by Uranus's independence in your work and career.

This week, your Mercury-Pluto conjunction will be in your sixth house of work and health. So this is where you'll want to pay attention. If you have been experiencing some health challenges, you can get the answers you need to move forward. If you haven't been solid in your ideas in how you're going to move forward within your work, this can be the time where you can do the research and get the answers you need to move forward, make your power moves this week.


This is happening in your fifth and ninth house. Uranus is changing up your belief systems, Virgo. You've probably really thought of certain things in a specific way for far too long. Your belief systems are changing. You could be feeling some inspiration right now, just really inspired to make these changes.

So as Mars transits, your fifth house, this can be you taking action. Finally, feel like you're ready to make a change. Maybe there's a creative project you're working on, or this can also be, taking action with your children in some way. Maybe there are certain boundaries that need to be revised and replaced. Something has come into your vision, your mind now, or something has come to the surface that you now know you need to change.

It's not working in some way!

This is the week. You can feel inspired to start making those changes, and it can come in quick jolts of energy. That is Mars. It's that get up and go meeting Uranus in the sky is that zing. The zing you need to take action.

This can be you setting the foundation for a creative project you're working on. It can be a new business because the house of entrepreneurship is also the fifth house, not just your children, but it's the things you do because you love to do them. So really, setting some structure around that area so you can create more freedom and more authenticity in your life.

Then when we have your Mercury-Pluto conjunction, this is happening in your fifth house of children, entrepreneurship, pleasures, and romance; meeting in the fifth house for you gives you the practical steps needed. So you can move forward.

This alignment gives you the insights or the research capabilities to dive in deep, figure out a flow, and start to gain a footing in this area of your life.

So use this alignment for this week. A lot of this, huh?


So the Mars trine Uranus is happening in your fourth and eighth house. This is beautiful. Okay. It shows me that the action you're taking, the willpower, the initiation vibe you are ready to take will support your resources, the shared resources; maybe this is a home business, a family business that you're working on in some way. And this supports additional resources that you're creating for yourself. Maybe this is your partner, they got a raise, and by taking action, you're increasing your resources.

This could also be by setting the foundation in that home and family or your home business. You're able to find an investor, or you find the loan. You can find the resources you need to move forward in that area of your life. So pay attention; you're going to feel super motivated to start to make these changes.

This can be unexpected, just quick jolts of energy and with your mercury conjunct Pluto this week, which is beautiful because this is also happening in your fourth house. So it makes me feel like maybe you are coming up with a home business, or perhaps you're working from home right now, and by working from home, you're creating additional avenues of resources for you to start to tap into.

So, Mercury conjunct Pluto. Mercury, let your mind flow; dive into those details right now.

What do you need to figure out so you can ask for the money you need? What do you need to figure out so you can create a new way forward in your resource house? What power moves are you making next? How can you do your research during this week? Use that mercury conjunct Pluto to pull forward the practical steps you need to take in your home and family, or with that home business or your home project, and get the answers. You need to create additional resources for yourself.


Little cotton. He's doing the most over here. I had to push pause. Okay.


This energy is happening in your third and seventh houses, Scorpio. This lets me know that your relationships are going through significant makeovers and major shifts. And you're noticing, recognizing, feeling, and now understanding where things have been the same for far too long, or your relationship dynamics have been the same. 

And you want freedom! You want change! Knowing that Mars is transiting through your third house gives you the motivation to transform. Maybe you're taking a course of some sort that's helping you in those relationships. Perhaps this is your mindset that needs to shift. And you finally feel like you're ready to take action. You're done thinking about it, and you're ready to move forward. 

This energy can also just be you just ready to handle business. Mercury can be the day-to-day things that we do, or we're thinking of, and we're creating. This can also be social media. Maybe you need to up your social media game to develop new relationships in business. Or perhaps you're ready to study a course of some sort. A certification course, some practical course that is helping you in those relationships create the change you need. 

If you're feeling, maybe you depend on relationships too much, perhaps this course is helping you gain some independence of some sort. So you do not need to lean into relationships so much. So let me know. It comes up for you, and as mercury conjuncture, Pluto. 

Scorpio, this is in your third house. These downloads that you're going to get these powerful insights will come. The third house is the mind. The third house is cognitive; it can be the monkey mind, though. The small, tiny little details, not the larger vision like Sagittarius would be. 

Third house mind, is the lower mind. So, do your research. Buy the course you need. Have the communications you need to improve those relationships to find your freedom. What do you need now that we've moved forward from Mercury retrograde? This is your time to move forward on the inner work you have done throughout this retrograde. 

And now we start to take action. Make those power moves within your own mindset. So you can show up fresh and brand new in those relationships.


This alignment is happening in your second and your sixth house, your sixth house; you are entirely transforming your work right now. This can also be your health. So there are moves that you are making and have already been making for a few years.

Now, this Mars, get up and go action and initiation power that you're going to feel is happening in your second house. Maybe you're just taking action. You're ready to start to make additional sources of income. You're ready to create a new path forward in your finances. You are finally open to seeing and knowing where maybe you've been holding yourself back, and you are taking action because you now know that this is outdated.

This stagnant energy is the old you, and the new you is loved, supported, and absolutely capable of taking a chance. So go for it. Go SAG up your self-worth and jump in because the changes you're making here directly support the changes that are coming in your work and your health. Pour in love and get after it.

When it comes to Mercury conjunct Pluto, this is also happening in that second house for you. You're going to get some downloads. This energy is great for research. You are putting the final touches on how you're planning to make money. You're putting the final touches on how you can create additional resources for yourself. You're doing that research, getting these downloads that give you the insights you need to start taking action. Pay attention this week because Pluto is working with you to help you make some power moves.


This alignment for you, your Mars trine Uranus is happening in your first and fifth house. Uranus has been transforming what you do for fun and how you're doing that. Maybe there are even massive changes happening when it comes to your children. Life could be just really changing quickly. This can also be changes in your romantic partners and how you show up in your romantic relationships.

So as Mars transits through your first house, Capricorn, you're going to feel this energy pickup. Like you're ready to take action! Make those needed changes in who you are as a person and how you show up. There could be massive changes that are happening with your children. And maybe this is giving you the energy needed to make those changes. If something is not working, when it comes to you as a person and how you're showing up with your kids, then this is the week where you can start to make those changes that you were thinking of throughout the retrograde. You are supported in taking action.

Your Mercury conjunct Pluto insights are coming at you in your first house. So everything that you need to make these changes solid is coming your way.

You're going to get your insights this week. The downloads you receive give you that way forward; pay attention to what you know you need to do next. Maybe this is you wanting to start a new business.

The practical steps will come to the surface for you this week. So you can move forward with power, passion, and ease.


These alignments are happening in your 12th and fourth houses. So Aquarius, your fourth house of home and family, has undergone some significant changes, especially within these past four years as Mars transits that 12th house; this can help you take action behind the scenes. Maybe you've been working hard to transform specific unconscious patterns or behaviors that no longer serve you.

So this is the time now where you recognize those, and you're finally ready to move forward, letting go of stuff—the house of endings. Mars gives you this power and motivation to finally cut things off that no longer serve you. They're not serving your way forward. They need to go. And you're finally ready to put in the work so you can have the freedom in your home and family, the freedom in your home life in general, maybe this is even the freedom in your home business.

How can you continue to show up authentically within your own home business or work from home? What do you need to let go of behind the scenes that aren't serving you?

When it comes to your Mercury conjunct, Pluto, this is also happening in that 12th house. So you can be getting some downloads in your dream space. I love that. So pay attention to your dreams; just pay attention in general because Mercury conjunct Pluto is highly psychic energy.

You will definitely be able to gain the insight needed to let go of what isn't necessary as you're moving forward with your plans in your fourth house of home and family.


Your Mars trine Uranus is happening in your 11th and third houses. So the third house for you, Pisces, has been communication, even community. You've been going through significant changes in your mindset, your community, or maybe you are moving, or you have shifted communities.

This can even be communities on social media, the communication behind it, and how you communicate in these communities. How you're talking to yourself in your mind; Uranus is shaking all of that up for you.

So, it will not look the same when he is done with this transit. You need to break free in your communication styles!

As Mars transits, your 11th house, what's not serving you? You recognized that during this retrograde period and this Venus retrograde period as well, now, you know, how you want to move forward.

You know which associations, friendships, and groups serve your forward motion. This is the week you are supported in doing that. Start to take action.

Initiate the movements that are helping you shift communities that are helping you show up in your communication styles that are more supported with your authentic vibe and your flow, who you are today.

Your mercury conjunct Pluto is happening in your 11th house. So this week, as you are starting to take action. As you recognize which associations are moving out, which ones are coming in, and which ones are supporting your future, this is also the area where you're getting those much-needed downloads.

The insights and the powerful research ability as you're bringing higher goals to life, as you're bringing new groups or new associations to life, this is the week and area you're supported.

Pay attention to the practical insights that Mercury will bring when he conjoins Pluto on the 11th. If these are next-level goals you want to put in place, this is also a time. Maybe you are thinking of your future.

This timeframe can give you those practical steps that you could start to put in place to help you get there.

I am super excited to see what pops up for each of you! This is a brand new series, so thank you for bearing with me as I start to find my flow with weekly horoscopes.

To give you guys weekly insight on how you can start to use astrology as a tool to understand yourself and what's happening in the world around you.

If you haven't downloaded your FREE Soul Grow™ Astrology reference guide. You can do so NOW.

So you can follow along with all that I'm talking about each week. Even if you are a true beginner, you will be able to come along for the ride.


Heart & Healing,


Weekly Astro Insights | All 12 signs | February 14 -20
