Marilyn Gomez- Astrology Coaching, Business Coaching Website, Astro Readings

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Weekly Astrology Readings | Creativity flows | February 21 - 27

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I'm Marilyn Gomez, the astrology finance coach. I teach online entrepreneurs how to utilize and optimize their Astro chart to form their relationship with money and entrepreneurial journeys.

Your Big Three

These videos work by rising signs. The most telling for anyone to see what's happening in your week and environment is to check out your rising sign.

And to know what is happening within your career and what that will look like this week. What you will need on a soul level? This is your sun sign. Don't forget to tune into your moon sign because that also lets you know how you will be responding this week, Emotionally. What could be going on internally? 

Rising, sun, moon, check all three, and then check your friend so you can join me for weekly astrology reading. 

Weekly Astrology Reading

What's up, beautiful people. How did that Leo full moon treat you last week?

Feeling the motivation, you feel your heart bursting with enthusiasm and passion as you begin to set your goals and dreams on fire. 'Cause this week additional support from Mars and Venus sextiling Neptune in the sky.

Love this!

All right. Most of you're like Marilyn; what the heck is the sextile? I get it brand new to astrology. You're like, what are all of these pieces? And what the heck are you talking about?

If you are a true beginner, I highly encourage you to grab your free soul grow astrology reference guide to follow along.

Venus brings flow and ease

What's happening this week, guys, Venus the planet of love, pleasure, money, relationships, design, aesthetic beauty. All of those things, Venus in the sky, is one of the lesser benefics meaning. 

She is always bringing something beneficial your way; even if she's not great in grandiose like Jupiter up in the sky, she is still bringing you some goodness, some ease, and some flow into your week.

Mars and Venus = Passion

 Last week, you guys tasted Mars as Venus and Mars are conjunct in the sky and are now kicking off their annual dance. This is extended. So this passion, motivation, and drive to create new resources in your life are happening all month long.

So Mars the planet of ambition, drive, inspiration, and passion. Also, the planet, though, can bring in some challenges. Mars is the lesser of the two malefic planets in the sky, which means he can bring some frustrations and aggressions in lower vibrations. But this week, guys, Mars and Venus will sextile Neptune.

Astrology Basics Aspects

Sextile, this is an aspect. I haven't broken all of these down for you guys on this channel yet, but you did hear about the trine aspect last week. 

The blessing aspect is super supportive, almost to the point where you're not even taking action. Like it's just happening around you. But this week, with the sextile, this is supportive energy, but one that you need to recognize and jump in to activate the sextile is very subtle in how it could be popping up for you. 

So when you are feeling inspired this week, take the practical steps and create something with those inspired hits; that is how you will be able to move and utilize this energy this week.

Act on Inspiration

You're getting support from Venus and all of her love pleasures and good flowing vibes in a practical manner. You're getting the goodness from Mars with his passion, motivation, drive, and initiation power that he brings to the sign of Capricorn to take action practically. 

And they will be forming a beautiful alignment to Neptune this week, giving you some deep compassion deep sense of creativity. You can veer off into fantasy to come up with these beautiful ideas that are coming at you left and right, and you need to take action to start to put a practical plan in place as you bring them to life.

Affirmations by Zodiac

All right, guys. So I want to try something new this week. I want to give you some affirmations that you can weave into your days as we push towards our goals and dreams. I think it's essential. I do. And I know that mindset is everything along this journey. So here we go. 


 And if you are brand new to astrology, then definitely check out this post right here. So you can identify the different parts of your natal chart, then grab your soul grow guide. You can start to discover and use astrology in practical application in the way that I learned to use it and the ways I teach it. See you in the next weekly astrology reading.


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If you haven't downloaded your FREE Soul Grow™ Astrology reference guide. You can do so NOW by entering your email above.

So you can follow along with all that I'm talking about each week. Even if you are a true beginner, you will be able to come along for the ride.

Let me know how this week plays out for you in the comments below =)

Heart & Healing,

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