Weekly Astrology | Shifting Cycles | All 12 zodiac signs

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Passion and motivation move into the sign of Aquarius in Soul Grow Weekly Zodiac Readings. What's up, beautiful people for those who don't know me. My name is Marilyn Gomez. I am the astrology finance coach. I teach online entrepreneurs how to align money smart by optimizing their astrology charts, + all of the online tech tools that go with running your online business. 

Intentions Bloom

We do have some changes coming up. Let me know what intentions you set for your Pisces new moon. I would love to hear all about it. Drop them in the comments down below!

Pisces rules over my 11th house of group associations network, social media, the goals that I'm chasing long term, and the people I'm lining up to chase them with. The recent Pisces new moon had me planting seeds in groups and associations. I have kicked off a brand new Facebook group, one where I can pop in every Friday and give you guys just live tutorials or live insights and talk. Where we can connect, just like this, but in a live format.

And I also kicked off a group of beautiful friends that I have met along this journey and grew lifelong relationships. So my heart goes to you. Any, any of you are watching. I am super excited as we get to grow businesses together.

Astrology for the Soul

I own every part of my chart, the good, the bad, the ugly because they have brought me to this space today. And this is a beautiful space to be in with you. 

Just yesterday, Sunday, Mars and Venus have moved into the sign of Aquarius. So this is a considerable shift, and you will fill the energy shift. Whenever we have personal planets like Mars and a personal planet like Venus, you feel energy changes.

We are moving from Capricorn, an earth sign, structures, to Aquarius, air, communication, and mind.

Weekly Zodiac Readings 


Mars, the planet of motivation drive aggression ambition. He is also your ego.  When we talk about yin and yang, Mars is your yang energy. The masculine power that you carry inside. When you need to get up and get it done, Mars kicks into overdrive to help you handle it. 

Mars moving into the sign of Aquarius isn't as supported as he was in the sign of Capricorn, where he loves to build. He loves to put structures in place when transiting Capricorn, but now in Aquarius, it is all about the collective, the group, and the efforts as a whole. 


Aquarian energy is about humanity, all of us together, as one on a larger scale. It is about the different, the unique—Tech and having to do with social media, reaching far and wide. 

Diving into intellectually stimulating activities because Aquarius is the mind, even though it looks like the water, the water bearer pouring out the water, it is the mind. 

The symbolism- your wealth of knowledge. Envision yourself pouring your special knowledge on humanity. And Mars can be self-directed. We want to get this done. We want to win. We want to handle something in the sign of Aquarius, it's a group effort. It is, Let's talk about it as a group; let's develop a better solution group-wide.

Intellectual solutions can come when working together. And Mars can have, some challenges. It's slowing you down a little bit to bring in the group


Venus, the planet of love, money, pleasures, beauty aesthetic, being into the sign of Aquarius, shows where what's going to light you up this month. 

Where is your heart going to be? What is going to feel good to you? Not emotionally, but on, on the pleasure level. So you will take great pleasure this month in having those intellectual communications, connecting with people on a group level, connecting through social media, even using technology in a new way.

So this week, you can find yourself attracted to group settings, incredibly different types, and unique groups. If this is a group that you usually wouldn't join, but for some reason, it keeps pulling in on your heartstrings, jump in!

What do we have to lose? This is the age of Aquarius, do things differently. It does not need to be done the same as it always has been done. This world has changed drastically just in these last two years. So use all of this incredible technology floating around you and jump in!

Jump into the group that you never thought you'd be a part of and see. Be inspired by all of these next-level thinkers.

When it comes to Aquarian energy, it could be very detached at times because they're using scientific level thinking, and they are invested in what they're learning or what they are trying to figure out. It can feel detached or emotionless at times, but not. 

Aquarians have some of the biggest hearts. I know they are just really paying attention to all of those little details in between. 


So mercury will also be moving into the sign of Pisces. Now, mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, logic, the details, doesn't feel the best. We can start to lose out of those details in the sign of Pisces, where the details can become a little blurred. Pisces is the imagination. It is creativity, spirituality, great for creativity, great for inspired ideas, great to get downloads in your dream space. It is beautiful for your imagination, but on detail by detail basis. This one can be a little challenging. 

So I do want you to understand that mercury moving into the sign of Pisces next week is, is, is going to be a massive shift of energy from being in the sign of Aquarius, where he is the man that genius like energy, a real brainiac. 

Need a copy of your natal chart?

If you are brand new to astrology, then definitely check out this post right here. So you can identify the different parts of your natal chart, then grab your soul grow guide. You can start to discover and use astrology in practical application in the way that I learned to use it and the ways I teach it!

Ready to take a deep dive into your chart?


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If you haven't downloaded your FREE Soul Grow™ Astrology reference guide. You can do so NOW by entering your email above.

Follow along with all that I'm talking about each week. Even if you are a true beginner, you will be able to come along for the ride.

Feet on the ground 

Well, now moving into Pisces, it's a little more spiritual. Our mind is definitely not seeing things as clearly as we have been. So keep your feet on the ground. 

Your grounding practices will help you focus on what you need to be recognizing. And allow yourself to let go this week and tap into the spirituality, tap into the mystical, dreamy, whimsical side of Pisces.

See what kind of downloads you can come up with. What inspires you in a new way? If it gives you some next-level creativity that makes your process flow even faster... then hey! 

So, shift your perspective and work with the energy we're given week by week, know when to hold them and sometimes, when to fold them. And that is just what it is. Okay. 

Messy Action

So as I am finding a flow to my videos here, this is all brand new for me. I didn't know what I was doing. Honestly, I still don't know what I'm doing, but I'm going for it—taking messy action, showing up, jumping in, handling it. This next week can feel like that. Uphill, going for it!

First Quarter Square 

 Lunar cycles are an excellent tool in predicting feelings and how we ebb and flow throughout the month. So as we move through this week, moving from the new moon to now the first quarter moon. 

So this first quarter square can feel like you are determined. You're focused, you're taking action, kind of like you're moving uphill. As the light of the moon, lunar light starts to grow in intensity, increase in awareness, you're determined. You're focused. So use the energy and momentum to keep putting your plan in place. 

Natal Chart 

And if you have not had a chance to generate your free chart, check out this video right here, and you'll be able to get your free copy in a matter of minutes.

Don't forget to download your free guide. With this guide, you'll have a clear definition of the house significations, the planets, the points, the aspects, the moon signs, and some affirmations to throw on top!

So you can keep up with all of the good I create here on weekly zodiac readings at marilyngomezwellness.com.

I would love to hear the comments below. How did this week turn out for you? What are you taking action on, and how can I support you?

Heart and Healing

AC astrology calculator

If you have yet to generate your free natal chart, check out this video right here, and you'll be able to get your free copy in a matter of minutes. By casting your natal chart, start to discover and use astrology in practical application, the way that I learned to use it, as well as the ways I teach it.

I would love to hear the comments below about your weekly astrology. How did this week turn out for you? What are you taking action on, and how can I support?

Heart & Healing


Virgo Full Moon | Sustaining Power | Weekly Astrology Readings


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