Virgo Full Moon | Sustaining Power | Weekly Astrology Readings

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This week's Virgo Full Moon will have you realize that these goals are way more tangible than you ever thought possible!

 For those who are new, my name is Marilyn Gomez. The Astrology Biz & Finance Coach. I teach online entrepreneurs how to align smart money management, their lives, and careers with their astrology blueprint. Plus all of the online tech tools they need to learn to grow their online business.

So this week, coming up, March 18th at 12:12 AM Pacific standard time, we will have the beautiful full moon in the sign of Virgo.  

So what are full moons? 

Full moons are a lovely time within the lunar cycle of a culmination, of the peak, the harvest. This is a moment of reflection where you can look back and see all the work you've done. And the efforts you've put in to grow this area of your life.

Full moons can also be a time of release where you recognize which parts of the process just aren't working, what's too much, what's excess. What slows you down or stops you along your path, and how can we adjust and improve it?

Virgo full moon

So this Virgo full moon will be highlighting lighting and lighting up your Virgo house and that Virgo/Pisces axis. So this can show you all of the work you've put in when it comes to your service-based business. 

Full Moons can also be a moment where you recognize the work you've put into your health, maybe you've transformed your health, or you finally found the solutions you had been looking for all this time. This can also be a time when you recognize how you manifest your long-term goals and dreams, and you're watching them start to come to life.

 Now, during the full moon, there can be heightened emotion. When that big, bright, shiny light lights up the work not done or the road not taken, or the opportunities that have passed you by. It is also when we can recognize where we haven't done some work that we wish we would have. And this is the time to make those adjustments. 


That's a beautiful alignment. The trine aspect is a blessing. Aspects show how the planets communicate with one another; that's what all of the colorful lines are in the center of a chart. There are challenging aspects, and there are some that are supportive and some that are really supportive. So this trine aspect is a supportive aspect between the Moon and Pluto

During this time, you can feel an increased psychic awareness. Pluto rules over your deeply internal psyche; knowing this can also give you focus like really intense focus. We can become obsessed. It's an obsession of some sort, really honing in on what you need. 

Pluto is also the planet that can bring power plays into your life. Maybe this is a powerful new teacher, a new therapist that is helping you heal somehow, or just a powerful person that could be coming into your life at this point. And it could feel karmic. 

The moon in Pluto is perfect for sticking to your plan, really understanding that you finally got it on a deep, emotional level. You found your way, and you're going to stick with it, even though it can feel kind of confusing as there is another aspect going on in the sky at the time of this full moon.

Sun conjunct Neptune

Although Neptune is supported in the sign of Pisces, that is his home sign; Neptune can still be the energy of confusion, delusion idealism. You could be pumping up somebody or giving them credit way more credit than credit is due, or this could be yourself. 

So stay grounded and know that this idealism energy can be floating around. Give credit where credits are due but know that it could be a little extra or a little more dramatic than usual. 

Mars and Venus

Venus, the planet of love, money, relationships, design, and beauty, and Mars action, ambition, motivation, and drive are still working their magic side by side to bring something new into your Aquarius house. Check out last week's SGW to hear more about that! 

 Okay, so now for all 12 signs, I'm going to start to switch it up this week!

I so appreciate you being on this journey with me 😃 and because I want to deliver more tutorials and practical tools, I will keep all of the videos together for the weekly signs, and then I'll be able to upload a couple of extras to help you guys further. 

Need a copy of your natal chart?

If you are brand new to astrology, then definitely check out this post right here. So you can identify the different parts of your natal chart, then grab your soul grow guide. You can start to discover and use astrology in practical application in the way that I learned to use it and the ways I teach it!



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Virgo Full Moon Affirmations + Horoscope

Aries and Aries rising. 

Your affirmation card is: my potential to succeed is limitless. My potential to succeed is limitless. 

All right. A so your Virgo full moon is happening in your sixth house of health, your day-to-day responsibilities, uh, and your work, the work that you do on a daily level. This can be a moment where you recognize all of the work you've been putting into your health, work, and your daily structure.

And now you can see your progress. You can see how far you've come, or you can see those holes in your processes. And now, you will gain the clarity to move forward with what you do know works. 

This is also a time where you can feel called to bring back in some balance, some rest and relaxation, your behind-the-scenes time, or your spirituality time. Give yourself that time to decompress because you've been doing so much work on a daily level. This is your moment to balance it back out. Great job!

Taurus and Taurus Rising

Your affirmation card is: I exhale negativity, and I inhale positivity. I exhale negativity and inhale positivity. 

All right, Taurus, this Virgo full moon is happening for you in your fifth and 11th house axis. This is a culmination point of all of the work you've been pouring into your passion project. This can be a business that you've been working on or just something that's bringing you some deep joy. 

Where you recognize how to balance your time with your children and the goals you're chasing long-term. Or you're balancing your romantic relationships and the group associations you are participating in. So this could be a call to balance those two areas and definitely give you that big, bright light showing you how much you've really done.

Taurus, be proud of yourself as you continue to move forward and bring in long-term success. 


Gemini and Gemini rising. 

Your affirmation card for this week:

My energy is amazing; it fuels me and those around me. My energy is amazing; It fuels me and those around me. 

All right, Gemini, you, your full moon in Virgo is happening in your fourth house of home and family, the fourth, 10th house axis. 

Fourth house. This can be a time when you're recognizing the work you've been pouring into your family relationships. This can be the work you're pouring in on a home front, how you are keeping things organized, or finding a flow that works for everybody within the home. And you being the boss at work, you have more responsibilities at work. So this big, bright, full moon shows you all of the hard work you've been pouring in, what is working for you and how you can let go of old, outdated structures that aren't working and bring back the balance between your career, life, and your home life, how you are balancing your private life and your public life.


Cancer and Cancer rising. 

All right, my beautiful, Cancer's. Let's see your affirmation card for the week is:

A little progress each day adds up to big results. A little progress each day adds up to big results. Baby steps, Cancer!

Your Virgo Full Moon is happening in your third house. Your third house of communications, third house of community, third house of short distance and travel. You can recognize all of the work you've been pouring into your communications. 

Maybe this is a writing project you worked on, or a class you're taking is complete. You'll notice how you communicate with others and how your thought processes formulate those ideas in your communication style. 

You can recognize now with this Virgo Full Moon how far you've come! You realize what is working; what feels good to you now? How can you use that communication in service of some way? So during this time, you can feel the balance coming between your belief systems and your monkey mind. 

So you are finding the balance between the larger vision and the small mundane little details. How can you hold on to your dreams and goals but let go of the outdated mindset that could be holding you back from chasing them or from grabbing them with both hands? Go get it, Cancer!


Leo and Leo rising. 

Leo, your Virgo full moon is happening on your second and eighth house axis. 

Your affirmation card for this week is:

All my relationships are long-term and offer a positive, loving experience. All my relationships are long-term and offer a positive, loving experience. Beautiful. 

Leo, so your Virgo full moon is happening along the second and eighth house axis, your financial line. This big, bright, shiny light is lighting up your second house. You could recognize how much work you've put into your self-worth, but also your financial standing. 

You could have taken hold of your finances and done the due diligence to line it up and organize them to set yourself up for the long term. Well, now is where you can recognize that that will pay off. You are doing it. You are resetting your financial future. 

You can feel called to balance the money you spend and your investments. Maybe now you are freeing up the money paid towards debts, and now you can put it towards your long-term gains. These are the kind of culminations, recognitions, and realizations that can pop up during a full moon, especially when it's along your financial axis. Go get it, Leo, and don't stop!

Virgo and Virgo, rising.

 Virgo, your affirmation card for this week is: I care and love myself enough to stop making excuses. I care and love myself enough to stop making excuses. 

This Virgo new moon is happening along your first and seventh house axis. So this can be a realization of you balancing your time between relationships, both professional and personal. These can also be clients of yours. Like people, you work with one on one. 

You now can see the work that you've done! Maybe you've set a business in motion, and now you realize how much time you have to dedicate to your clients and yourself. This can be a time when you're ready to shift something completely. 

You are standing up as new you. Maybe you moved recently, and you're showing up as new you in a new community. And now you're finding who you are and who you're showing up as in those relationships moving forward. 

This can also be a time when maybe you've just set a new contract. You put in the work, and we're lining up something for your career. And now the contract is here for you. You've put in the work, and now you're harvesting the goods. These are the kind of that pop-ups that can happen for you. Happy Full Moon. 

Libra and Libra rising.

Libra, your affirmation for the week is: I am the master of my abundance, and I create my own reality. I am the master of my abundance, and I create my own reality. 

Libra, this Virgo full moon is happening along your 12th and sixth house axis. This can be a time when you are balancing your day-to-day responsibilities with the rest that you are getting. Or maybe this is a call for you to prioritize more rest for yourself because you have been so busy working on a business, working on the work you're doing daily. 

This can also be a time when you're just feeling called spiritually to tune in. You may have recognized that that helps you come up with your next-level ideas, or this helps you in your creative process when it comes to your work. This can also be you starting a new service-based business that has to do with spirituality. 

So at this time, recognize the work you've put in Libra because you have been doing the hard things! And this is your opportunity to see what is working and what isn't working. Because we are talking long-term success here, so set it up for the future. 


Ready to take a deep dive into your chart?


Scorpio and Scorpio rising.

Scorpio, these are big shifts for everybody. I love it. I really do. Oh, Scorpio, this Virgo full moon is happening along your 11th and fifth house axis.

Libra, your affirmation for the week is: I welcome an abundance mindset, and I believe I am worthy of it. I welcome an abundance mindset, and I believe I am worthy of it.

This heightened awareness is coming in around your passion projects, your long goals, your children, lots of movement here. How are you bringing joy into your life? How are you moving forward with what's important to you, your soul, and your goals? 

This big, bright, shiny light from the Virgo full moon allows you to recognize the hard work you have put in. Maybe you're even being recognized at this time by your superiors. And you realize that these goals are way more tangible than you ever thought possible. And now is the time where you can start to move forward. Definitely use your best judgment Scorpio. You are super intuitive!

And that moon trine Pluto, (House Rulership) Pluto and Mars rule your sign, conjunct Venus! Super powerful for you. You are manifesting your goals and dreams intuitively. What do you need? Scorpio, be honest with yourself. 

Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising.

Sage. The affirmation card for you this week is: I approve of myself and love myself just the way I am. I approve of myself and love myself just the way I am. 

This Virgo full moon is happening along your 10th and fourth house axis. You could recognize what needs to go from a career standpoint and what has culminated within your home and family. 

You've recognized all of the hard work you've been putting into your career life; now, you're allowed to find balance again. Because your home and family life need your attention, they need your love and appreciation. 

Full moons can be heightened emotion around what isn't working within your career. This can be a realization of what needs to go and what can stay. You're finding your balance and your flow again. See how you can even out how you're showing up in your career and private life. 

Your home and your family have come a long way. Sagittarius, be proud of the work you have poured in. 

It may feel like there is a long way to go, but this Virgo full moon gives you clarity and power. Let me say it... robust sustainability to keep going for the long term.

Capricorn and Capricorn rising.

Your affirmation card for this week is:

My drive and ambition will allow me to achieve my goals. That's, so that's so Capricorn!

My drive and ambition will allow me to achieve my goals. Yes, it will. And you are up for the challenge.

Capricorn, this full moon is happening along your ninth and third house axis. This is the communication line, including mindset and education.

You recognize belief systems that interfere with your communications. Or maybe a time where you're working with a coach, on a course, or class of higher learning. You may be getting a degree or putting in the work to further your education. 

And this could be the time when your belief systems are finally matching. Your mindset can be a point in time where maybe you've recently completed a course, or you've completed a semester at school. And you're finally able to take a short-distance trip maybe. This can also be a moment where you recognize the larger vision, your higher mind. And now you can hone in on the smaller details on how to bring your huge, large vision, those and goals that you're chasing, and bring some practicality to your imagination; get it, Capricorn.


Aquarius and Aquarius rising Aquarius. 

Aquarius. Your affirmation card is:

Happiness begins with me and me alone; I have the power to create my own happiness. Wow. These cards are aligned with what the houses are saying. Happiness begins with me alone. I have the power to create my own happiness. Yes, you do! 

This Virgo full moon is along your eighth and second house axis, your financial houses. A time when you could recognize work that you've been doing with clients and how your business is transforming. Maybe your client work has been picking up or evolving into the next phase. And so now you can celebrate and bring back in some balance. Perhaps this gives you some additional self-love that you're pouring back into yourself. That's also the second house. It's not just money; what we value—our value from within. To recognize the hard work, acknowledge the need to release anything that isn't serving your long-term vision and continue to show up because you're doing it, Aquarius


Pisces and Pisces rising.

Your affirmation card for this week is: I am confident, self-assured, and full of charisma. I am confident, self-assured, and full of charisma. I love that. 

Your Virgo full moon is happening along your seventh and first house axis. This is the relationship house, how you're showing up in relationships, .and your own needs, the first is the house of self. 

You're finding a balance between how much you're giving to your relationships, both professionally and personally, and how you can balance that back out with understanding what you need on a personal level to feel good, feel supported, and feel healthy. 

This can also be when you recognize that you're doing the more profound inner work. 

You're putting yourself first, Pisces, as you should, before certain relationships. And this can be a heightened emotion around it. It's never easy to recognize when we need to start to love ourselves more. And you're doing the work, celebrate. Let this big lunar light show you all of the forward motion that you are making. 


Let me know what pops up for all of you. I cannot wait to hear all about it. 



I am so excited. I have been working behind the scenes to bring you a fantastic workshop. I have not only learned the language of astrology, but I have tested its validity, again and again, then I decided to pair it with foundational money tools EVERYONE needs all in one! 🥳

I have used this system in my own life, with family members, and with my clients to help them align their Life & Biz with THEIR success and satisfaction markers from their astrology blueprint.

And I'm so stoked to share that with you. Stay tuned, friends!!!

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I can't wait to see you there. 

Heart & Healing, 


Weekly Astrology | Season of initiation |Astro-aligned life & biz


Weekly Astrology | Shifting Cycles | All 12 zodiac signs