Weekly Astrology | Season of initiation |Astro-aligned life & biz

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Spring is in the air, and your focus is about to shift. Let's kick off a fresh season of new beginnings. Soul Grow™ weekly, let's go!

What's up, everybody? For those who are new, hi I’m Marilyn Gomez. The Astro Biz & Money Coach. I teach online entrepreneurs how to align smart money management, their lives, and careers with their astrology blueprint + all of the online tech tools they need to learn to grow their Astro-aligned biz!

If this is where your heart is, stick around because I have so much to show you.

Fresh Season

Your focus is about to shift! The Spring Equinox here! Geez. It feels like these days are flying by now. I swear, like flying by. We're already midway through. We're already the spring one quarter down. We are about to plan our quarter two, and we're off to the races.

Weekly Astrology

So many things are happening. I hope you guys have taken the winter season and allowed yourself to rest recharge release so we can get up, get it going and jump back in!

Spring Equinox

Okay. So what is it? This time of year, in the northern hemisphere. Depending on your location around the 20th or 21st, where we start to welcome a fresh new season. We shift signs and elements.

The sun moves from the sign of Pisces; water, emotion, endings, and now we kick it up a notch,! Shifting into the sign of Aries kicks off fresh new intentions and a new area of focus for each one of you.

The Equinox, this word means equal night and day. So on this day, where time balances out, we have just as many light hours as we do dark hours—moving from the winter season to the fresh season of spring. It always marks a time of a fresh beginning, renewal where blossoms start to bloom, and we see new flowers and new life everywhere.

So what does this mean for you?

Aries is a fire, which is get up and go, but Aries is also a Cardinal sign, which means this is the time of initiation. The Cardinal energy takes action! The fire starter, the trailblazer, entrepreneur, the motivator, the action taker. These are very relevant for the Aries archetype.

This is the season, month, and time, where we want to really embrace those qualities and focus on the area of life that the sun has shifted into.

And we're going to go over those just, in a second. One of the beautiful parts of astrology is by following the sun and the sun alone, you'll know so much. You will see where the focus is in your life at any given time.



The affirmation card for you. I focus on what I can control and make peace with what I can't. I focus on what I can control, and I make peace with what I can't.

The focus is on your first house, first house. You could have been letting go of outdated thought patterns on you, your body, and your perspective. You were in the release. You were in the deep depths of your emotion. And could have been just behind closed doors letting go of a lot.

And now, as we jump into the spring season, the focus is shifted from rest recoup and relaxation to you. You're coming for it; you're coming out. Bring it out. How can you now take action? And what are you ready to kick off in your life?


The affirmation card for you. I am falling in love with my true authentic self—each day. I am falling in love with my true authentic self—each day.

In your fresh season of life, this brand new cycle has you focused on your 12th house themes. This is the house of endings & house of spirituality. You could be focused on spiritual work behind the scenes.

This could have you just working behind the scenes as you're bringing something to life. Shift your focus from being on the groups & networks and putting in the energy to kick those off, and maybe now need some rest. So your focus and shift goes to your 12th.


The affirmation card for you is happiness begins with me alone. I have the power to create my happiness. Happiness begins with me alone. I have the power to create my happiness.

Your focus moves from your career. There has been a lot happening within your career. Your legacy you are creating, or just the authority, either authoritarians in your life or you as the authority. And now your shift is shifting focus from the career and those themes to the group, to even to your long-term goals. Maybe now you, you had all these ideas during Pisces season. You have all this creative inspiration, and now you're shifting it. And you are taking action. Remember, we are initiating something for that long-term vision now.


So the affirmation card for you, Cancer, is: Money flows to me easily and frequently. Money flows to me easily and frequently.

Your belief systems, higher education, and even your spirituality could have had you behind closed doors, either writing something, publishing something, or diving deep into your philosophies and belief systems.

As you've come up with some inspired ideas, or you have understood, what's gotta go, you're taking action. And this action is happening in how you're showing up publicly and what you're bringing to life within your career—all 10th house themes.

Leo + affirmations for confidence

The affirmation card for you, Leo is I am not my past. I am not my mistakes. I am not fearful. I am not my past. I am not my mistakes. And I am not fearful.

Leo, your inspired hits have been coming in through that eighth house for you. Pisces' inspiration and creativity have been saturated in that eighth house. And now, as your shifting focus. Your focus moves to those belief systems. Maybe you are inspired on how you can strategize investments a little better or your resources somehow, and now is when you take action.

Maybe legalities, the legal side, because this is also a ninth house thing. Or you take a course that helps you move further along with that strategy. Maybe this is a coach that you begin to work with. This could have also had you possibly revising those resources, and now you are taking action and planning out your travel.


The affirmation card for you, Virgo

I am always on the path to victory in all areas of my life. I am always on the path to victory in all areas of my life.

Virgo, the inspiration for you and the creativity have been coming in from your relationships. You finally let go of old, outdated hang-ups that you were holding onto.

You gained some inspiration on revising your tax structure or business structure. And so now, as we shift, your focus is now moving towards your resources.

You've let go of ways that aren't serving you; now, how can you create a new program, offer, solidify new investments, or plant a seed to receive income. Use that Cardinal energy, that initiating power that this season brings to move on those ideas.


The affirmation card for you,

I am fully connected to my life's purpose. And I am taking the right steps every day. I am fully connected to my life's purpose, and I am taking the right steps—every day.

Focus is shifting from your sixth house of work and your day-to-day practices and responsibilities to relationships. And now you could have new relationships coming into your life or new business partnerships. Or this is you now taking action to acquire those new relationships and acquire those new partnerships. You are planting the foundations in those areas of your life.

After gaining the inspiration needed, letting go of, what is no longer serving you, now you're able to move forward.


I choose not to criticize myself or others around me. I choose not to criticize myself or others around me.

Your focus shifts from your fifth house to your sixth house in your natal chart. So now, where you've had your inspired ideas, you are you're feeling creative about passion projects. Now you take action. The action is happening in your sixth house of day-to-day, mundane responsibilities, but this is also one of your work houses.

So are you getting a new job? Are you starting a new health routine? Are you setting up your day so you can focus on what you want to get it?


I accept what my soul has been telling me, and I make peace with it. I accept what my soul has been telling me, and I make peace with it.

Your focus has been on home and family this past month. And now, as the sun shifts into your fifth house, this could have you focusing on your children. Maybe this is you focused on your romantic partner or a business that you're trying to bring to life right now, or you've had the ideas, the inspiration, you have felt all the feels, and you've moved through that.

Now is where we take action. Start to plant your seeds. Do the research you need to do. Start taking the steps you need to set up this new beginning in your life with your children, business, or romantic partner.

Remember, these are new beginnings we're starting. Lean in, guys. Let's go!

Need a copy of your natal chart?

If you are brand new to astrology, then definitely check out this post right here. So you can identify the different parts of your natal chart, then grab your soul grow guide. You can start to discover and use astrology in practical application in the way that I learned to use it and the ways I teach it!


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Follow along with all that I'm talking about each week. Even if you are a true beginner, you will be able to come along for the ride.


I love myself. I accept myself, and I forgive myself. I love myself. I accept myself, and I forgive myself.

Focus for you is going to shift from your communications. This could have had you dealing with more things around your community, more with your cousins, your siblings, your neighbors, or just communications in general; maybe you were applying or studying a new course.

The focus will shift from your third house of communications to your fourth house of family. So maybe you did all of your studies, or you have gained inspiration around the community all month, and now you're planting your roots. And the action will be around topics of your home and family.

Maybe this is a home business. Maybe you're kicking off new traditions in communications, or this could have you focused on your parents, which is also part of that fourth house energy.


The affirmation card for you is: my energy is amazing. It fuels me and those around me. My energy is amazing. It fuels me and those around me.

Aquarius and Aquarius rising: your focus Aquarius will move from your second house of finances of self-worth of value. So where the focus had been, maybe you were creating a new way forward, a path of wealth, a way to generate more income in your life, or this was you working on an internal wealth game on how you were creating more self-worth and self-love vibes in your life.

While now, the focus will shift from the second to the third. So as you've created this new path of worth, you're going to start talking about it in the third.

You are bringing it to light. You're creating a social media strategy. You are talking about it way more. You are blogging about it. You are talking around the community about it, media, etc. You're in the email, all of the above, around communication with these new self-worth vibes you've created during this last month. Get your name in people's mouths, minds, and hearts.


The affirmation card for you this week is I let go of my past relationships and look into the future. I let go of my past relationships and look into the future.

So Pisces, this has been a beautiful time for you. It can be really emotional when there are so many planets in your sign. But the shift of energy going to go from you, yourself, your view, your perspective, your body, and your health, to your values, including monetary.

Now you’re bringing them to life by initiating the action. Maybe a new job, a new place of living, now make it grow. Now, let it bloom. You get to bring to life a new set of values, a new way forward in making money, or a new perspective when it comes to how you can make money. Your mindset around your financial standing in general, and your value, is the focus.

How we feel our money comes from within so, how you think of yourself, value yourself, and your skill is everything.

I am super excited about this shift of energy. As we all continue to move through this beautiful year, this shift of focus, even with adversity and circumstances surrounding you, there is light, and there is a community, and you are loved!

Ready to take a deep dive into your chart? BOOK A PERSONAL READING HERE.

Thank you for continuing your journey of self-discovery and ultimate success with me!

Go get it. I'll see you next time.

Heart & Healing


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