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Gemini New Moon - Clarify, ground, and trust in your timing.

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Gemini New Moon, This Friday, May 22nd at two degrees Gemini.

We have the Gemini new moon coming up, and I know I haven't really been diving into Astrology very much, but this is absolutely one of the biggest parts of what I do. Astrology is a tool I have studied and learned to navigate my emotional well-being and purpose-driven goals. And I'm excited to be able to share it with you.

I want to first start by saying thank you so much. I am extremely grateful for my tiny but mighty community that is just growing by the day and your patience; as I pulled together, my ideas to serve you in the best ways is everything right now.

Your support has given me so much courage and excitement to deliver quality offerings to you in the best ways that I know I can. And that you deserve! So, I thank you. I'm so grateful. And here we go.

So, what does this Gemini new moon represent?

New moons are the beginning of the lunar cycle, and your new seeds or your brand new intentions have to really hold the vision right now, like seeds planted into the ground. You need to know that with love, nurturing, care, and consistency in your watering schedule, those seeds will grow strong roots, and your blossom will bloom, so you can really take off.

This new seed, this new intention for you, is in the sign of Gemini. You would want to look at your birth chart and look for your Gemini house. And this is also where we're experiencing Venus retrograde. These six weeks can be intense in this Gemini house for everybody, but this is also where the new moon will bless you with a new, fresh beginning.

Gemini's new moon meets Saturn's grounding force.

This new moon is in trine to Saturn, and we need Saturn. Saturn's grounding energy right now is really going to make us feel a little more structured in our communication. A trine is a blessing aspect. So this is great support. Yes, Saturn is retrograde, but we're going to get a little more clarity from the fogginess that we are all feeling right now.

I personally am feeling some great moments of intensity where it just doesn't feel clear, or my emotions feel like they're all over the place. I've been doing grounding practices, left and right, as much as I can to really separate the intensity of the moment and the circumstance with what I really truly feel inside.

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Mercury conjunct Venus

This new moon is met by Mercury conjunct Venus. And so normally this is wonderful conversations. It's like free-flowing communication, nice speech, good speech. And when there's a conjunction, this can be physical occurrences, events, people, things that are going to pop up in your space to remind you of what you want to be focusing your energy on.

Because Venus is in retrograde, it makes things a little foggy right now. It makes things feel just unclear. You may feel confused about your relationships. You can feel confused about your financial status or feel confused about what your self-worth right now. It can feel very confusing and emotional. It's an emotional thing because we are all doing some deep internal work.

Ground before speaking 

This energy can cause less than clear communication in your community right now. It could be regarding your siblings or your cousins, short distance travel, third house, Gemini themes. So these are all general ideas that may be a little confusing right now.

I personally recommend that you're not making any big moves, no smooth moves right now. None at all. Try to wait out the six weeks. You want to really be patient and ask yourself the hard questions. Why am I feeling this? What keeps coming up? What am I being asked to look at again? What do I need to revise, implement new, build upon a fresh foundation or fresh structure?

Those questions are all popping up for the whole world right now. You're not the only one, which is why we need to exercise extreme kindness. I absolutely feel that I've really been mindful not to take everything so personally. It can feel very personal. So do your best and try to remember that. Don't take it so personally, but do the internal work, and you'll find great reward in that.

Neptune Square 

The square to Neptune can feel like you're being lied to or some things are being hidden from you. It can feel like you don't have the whole story, and you may want to escape and try to drown out your sorrows and numb them away in addictive behaviors. Again, try your best to keep that energy balanced with positive engagements, positive activities. So you can feel through it all and meet it head-on. So it doesn't come up again and again.

Venus Retrograde

Venus is in retrograde until around August. I wouldn't recommend taking on any new debt, taking on any big agreements, some solid agreements, the details can be really confusing, and they could revert to or turn out to be not what you thought they were.  Now is not the time to make those big decisions if you can really hold off. So I would definitely try that.

So this Venus retrograde period, I know it's all connected, which is why I want to keep bringing up this Venus retrograde period. It's important for all of us right now. And because this new moon is in Gemini, Venus is retrograde in Gemini. It is all connected here. Venus in retrograde brings up feelings of us needing to re-examine our values around self-worth, relationships, finances, all Venus-related things. This is deep internal work that we are putting in through August.

Hold Your Vision 

So, even with the Gemini new moon seeds, you're planting, you have to hold on to that vision and keep the faith in a forward motion. It is not just about keeping the faith.

It is actually lining up our days with inspired action in that direction we want life to go. Retrogrades are just periods for revisions, revisit, reconsider. You'll be looking over specific points up to three times before it moves forward.

Gemini is about community, siblings, cousins, trade school. It could be just communication or your own thought processes. So all of those themes are combined with Venus themes. This can be your finances, how you're relating to your resources, how you're using your resources in communities, how you're showing up, how you're communicating in those relationships with your siblings and your cousins.

So this is how this energy could be popping up for you. So pay attention. Absolutely. It's so important for you to lead with intention and vibrate that way. So you're attracting the right people to you for wherever you're heading in your beautiful life.

Activation Point

Lastly, one more amazing alignment. I had to grab my other notes to give you one more wondrous conjunction that will take place later. Next week, a beautiful activation point, mercury conjunct North node. Will fire up a little over 18 months cycle that we are beginning!

I just set the alarm in my calendar, just so I'm mindful of the day, Wednesday, Thursday, next week, there can be some synchronicity. There's a download of information, a message, a person who can come into your life. Something that feels like it means something, even if you're unsure what it means exactly, pay attention and see how that plays out.

If it resonates in your soul somehow, it could very much be something worth paying attention to, so pay attention as it's quite fleeting. This energy is not something that sticks around it. It's just a glimpse of what's to come over this next 18 months cycle.

In conclusion, I hope this gives you a little insight into how to navigate this Gemini new moon energy for you and your space right now. Do the work internally, do it. It's so rewarding, and do not take things personally, be kinder than necessary right now. We can all use it.

Love & Light, 

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