Solar Eclipse future-self guided meditation.

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Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. In today's powerful future self meditation, you will visualize where your future self is guiding you and what your best life looks like. Check it out >>>HERE<<<…



Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 

We have a magnificent Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. This marks the final eclipse of 2020, activating your natural, past-life talents. Visualize what you desire for your future self in this guided meditation.

Welcome, I’m Marilyn 

Thank you for joining me for today's Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius' future-self meditation. This powerful meditation will clarify where your future self is guiding you and what your best life looks like.

Let's Begin

Find yourself in a comfortable position, either sitting up with your back supported or lying down.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath through your nose. And on the exhale, fully releasing everything out through your mouth.

Allow yourself to tune out all distractions and let go of your day,  becoming fully present in this moment. 

Take another full deep breath in, expanding your lungs.

And on the exhale, take a deep sigh... pushing it all out through your mouth.

Feeling all the tension melt away with each exhale.

Take another deep cleansing breath in, filling your lungs with pure oxygen.

And on the exhale, letting all your tension melt away. 

Allow your breath to settle naturally, feeling peace wash over you as you let go of worries.

Feeling support from the surface beneath you,

Creating a sense of safety.

Creating stability.

Deep relaxation and warmth fill every muscle. 

Every tendon feeling heavy, sinking deeper, more rooted in peace and serenity. rest 

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Visualization is a powerful technique for manifesting your deepest desires.

When you're ready, I want you to notice somebody standing in front of you; the image is a little blurry, so you decide to walk forward and see who it is. 

As you slowly step forward towards this person, you begin to feel the warmth. The warmth of a familiar feeling like you know this person.

Like you've met them before.

As you step a little closer and your vision starts to clear, you notice this person is YOU.

This 5D version of you has some remarkable insight today.

With every question asked, you’ll receive a glimpse, a feeling, or an inner knowing of what’s in store for you for your future.

On your next deep breath in, I want you to notice what has changed in your appearance? 

What does your body look like?

What is the condition of your health?

What emotions are you experiencing as your future self at this moment?

Just notice. 

No judgment.

What are you wearing? Has your style changed?

There are no right or wrong answers. 

You are creating powerful shifts within your mind for your future. 

What career do you have?

What is your title?

How satisfied do you feel? 

On the next deep breath in, I want you to take a look around.  

Where do you live?

You notice you find yourself standing in the middle of your dream home. 

There is no rush,

Take your time to look around…. 

What kind of artwork is on the walls? 

Is there a song playing softly in the background?

Take a deep cleansing breath in and slowly walk to each room of your gorgeous home.

Noticing all of the details that make up your future self and your future life

What have you called into existence? 

What is right around that bend for you as this powerful solar eclipse activates your next season of life.

Allow this powerful Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius energy to catapult you into your future.

Anything is Possible.

What does is energy feel like in your home?

As you're walking through the hallway, you feel your entire body begin to vibrate at a higher 5D frequency. 

Glowing like the Sun, powerful in its magnificence. 

What smells are in the air?

Is it fresh Christmas cookies?

Dinner in the oven?

Fresh flowers from your garden?

As you continue to walk around the house... your house

Who do you see in the picture frames?

What’s taken place that you had wished for in your dreams?

What do you feel? 

What emotions are you noticing stirring inside of you?

Just notice as many details as possible.

What personal items do you see in your future that let you know without a doubt this home is yours?

And I want you to walk towards the window.

You notice people outside in the backyard…

Who’s out there? Do they live with you?

Are you married? Is it your partner?

Could it be your children or family and friends? 

Feel the powerful Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius initiation energy of your future self deep within your body.

Now, I want you to bring the attention back to yourself; what do you notice that’s different?

Is it your hair? Has your physical appearance changed?

Is it the calm look on your face?

Just feel. 

Let all of these vibes sink into every cell.

On the next deep breath in... 

I want you to walk towards your future self.

As you get closer, you notice there is a message for you, in the hand of your future self.

Stepping up as close as you can, reach out and grab that note now.

As you open this note and begin to read, you notice it's a road map. Mapping out your next step in your life's purpose and direction.

Take a moment to read your map thoroughly. 

Each step downloads into your memory bank.

The longer you hold your vision of your dream life and your future self, the closer you are to manifesting your greatest wish and desires. 

Feel your new reality resonate from the top of your head down to the bottom of your feet. 

Own this vision as it has already happened. 

The vision of your life.

You are the creator of this magnificent manifestation.

You are capable of more than you could ever know.

Your potential is limitless.

Gratitude fills your heart for the life you have created and all the loved ones you have to share it with.

Take another deep breath in. Locking it in. Raising your vibrations to 5-d existence. 

Take another deep breath in... 

Feeling the satisfaction

Feeling the fulfillment of your dream life gives you. 

Knowing all of life’s experiences has brought you to this moment. 

There were no shortcuts.

You’ve earned it. 

On your next deep breath in... 

I want you to thank your future self and take one last look around, taking in any final details as you make your way back to the door.

You can't help but feel a surge of power and excitement. Knowing your future is prosperous and magnificent. 

You are powerful.

Filled with divine light and guidance. 

Take another deep breath in...

Inhaling trust and surrender. 

And on the exhale, let go of any fears standing in your way.

Take a  final deep breath in...

And when you’re ready, slowly open your eyes.

The future is yours.



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