New Moon in Leo | New Beginnings

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Let’s talk about the New Moon in Leo

What Does the New Moon Mean?

Let's talk about the new moon. The new moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. It symbolizes new beginnings. The sun and the moon are conjunct during this time, standing together in the sky, representing a fresh start.

For this reason, this is an excellent time to try something new. Set new goals, start a new project, or commit to readjust and move forward. If you aren't trying something entirely new, try it in a new way.

This fresh start is happening for all of us in the sign of Leo! Can you feel that energy from yesterday's new moon?

The new moon in Leo is squaring the planet Uranus. The square aspect in astrology is a conversation of tension or challenge where the two planetary influences involved experience challenging exchanges in the areas of life they are transiting. The way forward would be recognizing where you are holding on too tightly to an idea, behavior, or mindset and consciously choose to try it in a different way-one that creates the freedom you desire in life.

Leo, the king of fixed fire energy, is getting a shake-up it needs from the planet Uranus to break free once and for all. 🙌🏼

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How Does the New Moon Affect Us?

People often report that they sleep less during the new moon. Even with less sleep, we can often feel more energized. 

We may feel the need to be alone during this time as we work on new things in our lives, reflecting and considering ways to be more creative with ideas that came to us. Maybe it is because we need to re-energize. 

Use this time to prep the proverbial soil and plant those seeds. 

Do you ever feel like the phases of the moon affect you?

What Does the New Moon Have in Store For You?

You will want to pull up your Natal chart and identify which area of life this new beginning is happening for you.

Need a FREE copy of your natal chart? No, worries! Go to

Then download your Soul Grow Astro Reference Guide so you can pinpoint planets and points like a pro!  

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