Start Your Day With Positivity | A 5 Minute Guided Meditation

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Meditation for Positive Energy

Do you include meditation in your daily routine? Meditation is defined as a set of techniques that are intended to encourage a heightened state of awareness and focused attention. It is a game-changer when it comes to mindset and how you view the world around you. 

Meditation can help you start your day with energy, positivity, and intention. 

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Guided Meditation

Today I want to guide you in a 5-minute meditation for positive energy. You can use this meditation when you need a reminder that everything is going to be okay. 

Before you start this meditation, let’s take a moment to get ready. 

There is no right or wrong way to meditate. The only real requirement is for you to feel comfortable and grounded. Most people prefer to sit in a comfortable seat, with their legs crossed. You may also sit with your feet grounded on the Earth. 

If you need to keep moving and being in nature soothes you, you can do a walking meditation. This is recommended to do in a quiet place where the only noise is nature itself. The wind blowing, the birds chirping, or the sound of leaves crunching under your feet. 

Once you have found your comfort spot, let’s begin. If you will be doing a walking meditation, do not close your eyes, but keep your attention on the words as you walk. 

Click play for your guided meditation:

The Benefits of Meditation

Taking only 5 minutes a day to meditate can help you feel more ground in your day. There is science-based evidence that meditation can reduce stress, lower anxiety, make you more self-aware, increase attention span, and promote emotional health.

You can gradually increase the amount of time you meditate working up to 10 minutes a day. Once you are at the 10-minute mark, you can start working on meditating multiple times a day, working up to three 10 minute meditations spaced throughout your day. 

If you only have a short time and cannot commit to a 5-minute meditation, repeat these affirmations for positivity with your day:

I am enough

I trust myself

I am co-creating the life I want with the universe

I am being guided toward my greater good

I am resilient

I choose joy

I choose peace over fear

I trust my process

I know I am right where I’m meant to be

I hope this meditation and affirmations help you keep positivity in your life. What other meditations would you like to see? Check out my YouTube channel for more guided meditations!

Let it flow. 



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