Marilyn Gomez- Astrology Coaching, Business Coaching Website, Astro Readings

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Raise your vibrations in 2021 by pulling forward hidden blessings.

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2020 is over, and 2021 is here. Raise your vibrations in 2021 by pulling forward hidden blessings. I want to give you guys a little bit of an update to tell you what I've been up to and what's in store for you on this channel this year. Stay tuned!

What's up, everybody. If you're new here, I am Marilyn. And on this channel, I talk about fusing mindset, strategies, astrology, and meditation for chronic illness and beyond. So if that is where you are, then I am so happy you found me.

Raise Your Vibrations

All right, let's talk blessings! Last year was dark enough, and we are fresh and new, and I only want to shine a light on the blessings from last year. I will share a couple of those with you now.

So yes, 2020 was extremely challenging, very dark at times. And it had me stretch in ways that I had never stretched before. I completely pushed myself out of my comfort zone, especially with a compromised immune system.

The year went from uncertainty to heavy emotion, being so isolated and away from my family for so long, and turning that around into some fire inside my belly to use the time to my benefit.

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Hidden Blessings

Pulling blessings out of such a challenging timeframe or a dark moment in all of our lives has been life-changing.

Marilyn Gomez Wellness was born around June of last year. The idea, although still in its infancy, was growing by the day. Midyear, I noticed many business communities that were offering solid support and inspiration and gave me so much motivation to really understand an online space. So that's where I've been, evolving, back in the lab.

I was streamlining, organizing, and rebranding everything under the Marilyn Gomez Wellness name. We are just getting going now.

The first of this year was kickoff time! I will be working behind the scenes during this first quarter to line up everything for our Spring launch. And I am so excited to be bringing you all this goodness.

Inspire Wellness 

If you tuning into this channel will help inspire wellness or inspiration to grab hold of your health in amazing new ways, then I'm on the right track. That is what I want to provide for you in this in-between time until everything is up and running.

This year's hidden gifts were definitely the time with my children, the time spent behind the scenes, even understanding myself in new ways. The time I spent investing in myself this year was also brand new for me. And those were hidden until I took a second look.

Hindsight is 2020

I didn't understand during the first half of last year, but I see it clearly now. Crystal clear. Hindsight is always 2020, and it is bright and beautiful. I encourage you all to pull the blessings forward from your last year; really, pull them to the front of your mind.

Anything that you've learned about yourself, about each other, about your family. It is all meant for healing, our ultimate healing and evolution to step into this next season of your life with confidence and clarity, and some get up and go!

You are worth it

Happy new year. Let's get it going! You are worth it. Stretch, reach for those goals. Reach deep down in your soul. What are you ready to bring to life this year?

The time is now! Amazing shifts are happening for a reason. We are all busting out of our comfort zone. What were your blessings from 2020? Let me know down in the comments below. I am so curious. I want to hear all about it, and I wish you the best start to your fresh new year until next time I am Marilyn,

Have a wonderful day!

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