Yoga for Peace | Balance Your Body and Your Mind

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When the world gets noisy, here are 3 yoga poses to practice to find inner peace.

Inner Peace and Yoga

Are you in search of inner peace? Sometimes the world can seem a little loud and taking some time to slow down and quiet your mind and body is what you need. Yoga is a great way to move your body while slowing down and really listening to what it is you need. Finding peace within can also be so helpful in forgiving ourselves or others who have harmed us. 

Most people are familiar with yoga, but just in case you aren’t, it means “to yoke” or “unity”. Yoga leads to the balancing of perfect harmony between mind and body. Some people see yoga as exercise and others as a way of life. 

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3 Poses for Inner Peace

Yoga can be done by anyone. It can help bring peace into your life. It can also help with flexibility, strength, and stress relief. Today I am discussing 3 poses you can do to cover all of these things. If you experience any pain in any of these poses, please listen to your body and discontinue.

Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

Sukasana is a very easy, yet grounding pose. You sit on the ground with your legs crossed. Bring your hands onto your knees. Close your eyes and take deep breaths to relax your body. Some people also use this pose for meditation. Stay here as long as you need.

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Uttanasana is a very relaxing pose. It often helps release stress in the low back and neck. To do this pose, stand up straight, take a deep inhale and bring your hands up above your head. As you exhale, soften your knees (don’t lock them), and slowly bend forward, bringing your head and arms towards the floor. Slightly bend your knees and allow your head and arms to hang. Continue to breathe here. When you are ready to get up, slowly roll back up to a standing position. 

Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose)

Legs up the wall pose can take some getting used to, but it is a really nice pose for tension and can help relax you before bed. To do this pose, lay flat on the floor in front of a wall and place your hands next to your body. Inhale. As you exhale bring your legs up onto the wall. Make sure your hips also touch the wall. Bring your hands to your back to use as support. You can also use a blanket or bolster to help support the back. Stay here for as long as it feels comfortable. Slowly bring your legs back to the floor when you are done. 

All 3 of these poses are considered easy, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy for everyone. Please be gentle with yourself. Taking time to listen to your body is the most important part of finding inner peace.

Be well my friends and let me know if these poses were helpful.



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