April 2021: Pink Super Moon in Scorpio | Transformations and Balance

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In this post, I talk about a few ways to turn your everyday tasks into meaningful rituals. https://marilyngomezwellness.com/blog/morning-rituals

Full Super Moon April 2021

This month we see the year's first super moon. The Pink Moon. The pink moon corresponds with the early spring blooms of a certain wildflower native to eastern North America, Phlox Subulata. The name comes from association to the season. 

The moon is also known by many names including, Egg Moon, Frog Moon, Hare Moon, and Sucker Moon.  Spiritually the Pink Moon represents rebirth and renewal. 

This month's supermoon, which occurs when the moon is closest to Earth in its orbit, peaks on April 26 at 8:33 p.m. PST at 7 degrees 6 minutes of Scorpio. Taurus season is here.♉

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Finding Balance

You will find a balance between the energy in the sign between the sun which is in Taurus and the moon which is in Scorpio. Both of these signs are fixed signs. Fixed Earth and Fixed Water.

Full moons can be a culmination point. They bring awareness highlighting what you have done correctly and the hard work since the new moon intentions. It can also shine its light on what has run its course and on the areas that are not working. This is giving you the opportunity to make changes now. 

Heightened Emotions and Transformations

Full moons can bring heightened emotion and heightened intuition. You can also experience intuitive hits. Take this time to notice any intuitive insight that could be coming through. Taking time to journal can be really helpful during this time. Try these prompts:

  • What intuitive hits are coming in for you? 

  • How can you add practical steps to bring that transformation energy to life?

Scorpio can bring up themes of joint finances, resources that you receive that someone else provides like investments, inheritances, taxes, loans, and debt. It can also bring up past trauma. This is a very transformational time, even if you don't recognize it at first. 

Take a deep dive to change something within your life with the balance of Taurus energy. It will bring in the grounded Earth energy that provides follow-through and gives you a sense of determination to make these changes happen.

It will help you find the balance between the practical earth, grounding energy, and diving deep into the intuitive side and more emotional side that Scorpio can bring

A Simple Full Moon Ritual for Balance

Full Moon Ritual Carousel.png

May this super moon bring you blessings and peace. 


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Turning Morning Routines Into Morning Rituals | April 2021