Turning Morning Routines Into Morning Rituals | April 2021

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In this post, I talk about a few ways to turn your everyday tasks into meaningful rituals. https://marilyngomezwellness.com/blog/morning-rituals

Start Your Day With Intention

Anything can become a ritual. It can show up in our routines and in how we live our lives. Today I want to talk about turning morning routines into rituals. I like to refer to them as morning rituals because they can be emotional. 

Adding rituals to your morning can create meaning for your day. Even if it feels like the most mundane task, it can become a ritual laced with emotion. You can allow yourself to acknowledge that simple things you may consider chores are luxuries that others may not have. 

For instance, washing your face every morning may seem like just one more thing to do, but you have clean water in your home, whereas others may not. 

That's something to think about. 

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Starting Your Day With Morning Rituals

Every morning when you wake up, think about 3 to 4 things you can do to turn your routine into a ritual. Pay attention to how you feel while you are doing these tasks and why they cause emotion to you. 

These tasks you are adding to your day should be personal. In addition to being personal, they also need to be something you can enjoy doing. 

Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Move Your Body

Moving your body first thing in the morning wakes you up mentally and physically. It doesn’t matter what you do, just keep moving for at least 20 minutes. For instance, the movement could be anything from gentle yoga, walking, stretching or even dancing.


Journaling is a great item to add to your morning routine. It allows you to sit down and write down how you are feeling at that moment. There is no right or wrong way to journal. Even if you have never written a day in your life, you can sit down and do it. In other words, it's a mind dump. Get all of your thoughts written down. No organization is required.

Clean Your Body

Taking a warm shower, washing your face, and brushing your teeth can all be very relaxing rituals. Take the time to pay attention to your body, close your eyes, and visualize. Allow the water to wash away your stress and worries. Being thankful for having clean water. It's that simple.

The Possibilities Are Endless

You can make anything a morning ritual. Enjoying a cup of coffee in silence, reading a good book, or spending time with your pet. Above all, it just needs to be something that makes you feel good about starting your day. Take those moments and pay attention to how you feel. 

Tell me in the comments what you do every morning to create a ritual. Follow along on Instagram for more ideas to add to your morning rituals.


Get out there and make your mornings magical!


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